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Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
i got the fine aquarium gravel for my DT bettas new pad... i rinsed it and all that - got out all the debris i could - filled the tank with water - dumped out all the water and filled it again - and the water is still cloudy. been waiting for it to clear but i don't know if it's going to.

anyone who knows about this stuff, please help ?!!?
is the cloudiness air bubbles, or some other sediment?
is the cloudiness air bubbles, or some other sediment?

it's hard to say... if you mean the air bubbles on the glass, no. the water just looks kind of dirty; not clear. is this normal for this kind of gravel? will it clear up or do i need to dump it all again?
The way I wash gravel is to put small quantities at a time in a 2 gallon bucket and run it under a tap using a stick or similar implement to swirl it around and around., until the water runs off clear. Then it is ready for use. This may take a long time depending on how much sediment/debris is in the mix. Your tank will still look cloudy at first even if you have done all of the above but with your filters running etc. after a few days it will eventually clear.
Yeah mine was the same, i rinsed it, and added it to my tank, and it was still cloudy the next day, so i did a huge water change (no fishes in there) then left it, the next day it was still a little cloudy, so did another not so big water change, and hey presto, all nice and clear...

Good Luck

C x :*
thanks for the replies ! it's looking a little clearer now... if it's not clear by tomorrow i'll do a water change

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