Imbellis, Splendens, Smaragdina...


Fish Crazy
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Orange County, California
I been looking at pictures around the net at different types of betta. To me (a noob) A Plakat Slendens, and imbellis, and a smaragdina look very similiar to me... Can any body tell me the difference, maybe with pictures of possible. Im thinking of purchasing a Plakat from my LFS but the plakats there has all sorts of body shapes so I dont know which is which. Thanks in advance.
Plakats, crown tails, double tails, half moons, and etc.... are all just betta splendens bred to have different shapes in their tails. The difference between a betta splenden and an Imbellis is that they are different species.

Plakats btw, are most like the bettas found in the wild. They have very short tails, check out the link here about different tail types.

it's highly unlikely that you will find true imbellis or smaragdina at your LFS in north america, as not many people outside of southeast asia actively breed them.
yeah I bet they are rare, but my LFS has imports their bettas from thailand, and the whole place itself is run by thai people. :hey:

Plakats, crown tails, double tails, half moons, and etc.... are all just betta splendens bred to have different shapes in their tails. The difference between a betta splenden and an Imbellis is that they are different species.

Plakats btw, are most like the bettas found in the wild. They have very short tails, check out the link here about different tail types.

lol... I know about betta tail types. I just wanted to know the difference between a Plakat and an Imbellis, not a plakat and a crowntail. :rolleyes: Thanks for trying though!
If your lfs has smaragdina,than I'll eat my hat :p J/K,but seriously I highly doubt they stock them. They're a very expensive and sought after betta.

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