Imac In Chicago April 28-30


Fish Herder
Jun 9, 2002
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Hi Everyone. Just wanted to let everyone know that the 2006 IMAC (International Marine Aquarists Convention) takes place in Chicago April 28-30. There is a great list of speakers including Anthony Calfo, Eric Borneman and others. There will be continuous frag demonstrations with free frags being handed out. There is always a great banquet. And the raffle this year is better than ever, with at least 2 large tank setups and the grand prize, a 9 day trip for 2 to Fiji provided by Walt Smith International.

Registration rates go up in a week, so now is the time to register!

Visit for details!
Hi Everybody;

Just in case you have never been to an IMAC, here is how you can get an idea of what to expect. Just go to and scroll down to the bottom of the home page. You can see major portions (and in some cases their entire talk) of the presentations given by some speakers in the past. These include:

Eric Borneman, “Oxygen and the Reef Aquarium”
Gregory Schiemer, “Fishes in the Marine Aquarium”
Barry Neigut, “Keeping and Caring for Tridacna Clams”
Dr. Ron Shimek, “Myth Takes About Sand Beds”
Anthony Calfo, “Coral Farming”
Jeff Mitchell, “Diseases in Hippocampus”
Randy Reed, “Culturing Copopods and Rotifers”
Julian Sprung, “Goniopora Husbandry”
Richard Harker, “Coral Growth vs. Spectral Quality”
Eric Borneman, “Reef Aquarium Myths”
Dr. Ron Shimek, “A History of Sand Bed Organisms”

And the best part of this is that you can see them for FREE.



J-Money it's well worth a trip from AZ if you can swing it. Lots of learning, fun, and great deals to be had.

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