I'm Writing An Article...


New Member
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
Orkney Isles, Scotland
Hi everyone. I am writing an article on Bettas for another forum I am on. It is basically: introduction (general info on bettas such as origin etc), characteristics, a bit about the labryinth organ, tail types, tank size and requirements (temp etc), preferred decor, tank mates, feeding, breeding and a conclusion.
Do any of you have some interesting Betta facts, stories or general info for me? I've got the basics and a few facts and things but if anyone can help out that'd be great! :D Also anything else you think I should add or just any input at all. Thank you.
Check the pinned topics, there is a wealth of knowledge in there!

I can only contribute conditioning and fighting Bettas

I know it;s not acceptable to some so just forget it :D
Yeah I've had a good rake through the pinned topics and been on bettatalk too. Got more info now than I realised! Thanks. Just need to put it all together now... :D

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