In my m8s 5 foot tank, he has the following:
2 Discus
4 neon tetras
4 harlequin rasboras
1 shark catfish
2 Black ghost knife fish
He is going to get 2 clowns loach, 6 more neons and harlequins, 1 elephant nose fish and 4 more disuc with another shark catfish. Im worried about the knife fish, he says they will be fine and the pet store owner said these fish wil all be ok together but im not sure. So, can you guys comment on this? His filter is a small internal filter suitable for tanks up to 220l aswell.
2 Discus
4 neon tetras
4 harlequin rasboras
1 shark catfish
2 Black ghost knife fish
He is going to get 2 clowns loach, 6 more neons and harlequins, 1 elephant nose fish and 4 more disuc with another shark catfish. Im worried about the knife fish, he says they will be fine and the pet store owner said these fish wil all be ok together but im not sure. So, can you guys comment on this? His filter is a small internal filter suitable for tanks up to 220l aswell.