I'm trying to beat the system


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
Ok, so I am setting up a ten gallon that I am going to divide for bettas and pygmy cories. In anticipation of this I started running an extra filter on my 100gal. What I plan to do is take gravel and water from the 100 and fill the ten, and then use the extra filter that has been running on my 100g on the 10. The way I see it, this 10gal will basically be the same tank as my 100 just in different glass. Did I find a loophole, or does anyone see any flaws in my plan?
it should work. It'd work even better if you could stuff a little bit of media from the filter for the 100 inside the little filter while it's running on the 100
No need to transfer the water, though 1/2 tank water 1/2 fresh dechlor water should be fine.

The key, as you have discovered is to establish your new filter's bacteria colony on an established tank and then just move it to the new tank. Instant (well, 2 weeks of running the filter in the 100g) cycle.

Moving some gravel wouldn't hurt either, but the main thing is the filter.

Good luck! :thumbs:
Hi Sorrell :)

Yes, it will work out just fine. :nod: You are just making a little clone of the big tank. I find that one of the advantages of keeping a big tank running is having the ability to set up a new tank at a moments notice for a hospital or quarantine tank, or for housing fry.

Just make sure that you give your gravel a good vacuuming before you move it to the new tank to avoid having dirt floating in the water. The bacteria you want is clinging to the gravel, it's not in the dirt. :sick:

You don't need to use all old tank water either. It's usually recommended to use 1/3 to 1/2 of the old water and fill the rest of the tank with new dechlorinated water.
I just did something similar... Set up a new 10g for breeding and I took the filter from the 46g and swished it around really well in the 10g. I'm going with an undergravel filter for the 10g, so I couldn't just run it in the 46g :p I filled it about half with tank water and about half with dechlor water and after about an hour, when I tested it, I got exactly the same readings as on my 46g :thumbs:
thats exactly what i've just started...

filter for the new 35gal is in my 4ft at the moment... tomorrow i'll see if some sand stays in a stocking.
I've started up two 20G (high) tanks in the last three months, using a few cups of gravel, filter floss, and a fairly large amount of plants from my main tank.

The results were even better than I imagined. Ammonia never went over 0.25 ppm, and I saw no nitrites whatsoever. Both tanks are now 'cruising' at 0,0,10 (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate).

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