I'm thinking that I should trade in my pleco


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
I've been thinking about this everytime I read someone elses post about their pleco's and their eventual size.

Although this will be very hard :sad: I think it would be best to take my Chocolate Pleco in and trade him for a dwarf species or another fish :byebye: .

I don't know what to do......help!!!

SHould I??????
Hopefully, but not sure, I will be able to get a 90 + gallon tank and this will be my community tank and I will leave my 4 Silver Dollars in my 55 and put in in my bedroom where they will feel more at ease and I can just keep the light off at all times!!! I don't know if the chocolate pleco will even be okay in a 90 gallon??>? :crazy: :dunno:

I'm so confused, what should I DO!!???????????????

Is he doing something that makes you think that you need to move him?

Is he in the 55?
Yes, he's in the 55!!

No, he's not doing anything but being really cute!! :wub:
I just know how I am with my fish and how attached to the little buggers I get and I know that in 2 years from now if he's 12 inches and still growing I just don't think the 55 will be sufficient enough room for him???? And at that time I may feel that I'm "stuck" with him because I won't have the heart to return a large pleco to my LFS.

Basically, I want to do right by him. Also, since he was labeled as a chocolate pleco I didn't think that it would get as big as the common ones. Turns out that he will, up to 18". THAT'S HUGE!!!!

:dunno: :-(

i think you would be extremely lucky to have an 18" chocolate plec.

a more reaslistic size would be 10inch. lovely fish. i'd say he would be fine in a 55 myself ;)
Thanks for your opinion :nod: ......

The more I think about it, the more I think that you are right in all actuality. I do plan on someday getting at LEAST a 90 long for a room divider and it will be my community tank and that would be fine for him I'm sure!!???

hey silver...IMO - this pleco will be happier, healthier and better looked after in your tanks than he would be if you took him back to the lfs....they can't afford to be choosy who they sell the fish to and he may end up in a smaller tank. You on the other hand are aware of the size issue, your tanks are beautifully maintained, fish healthy and well fed.

I think he will be fine in the 55 for a while, if not for good (depending on fully grown size). Many people who get this size pleco mean to house them in a 20 or 30 gal tank. Those are too small.

I think suemack hit the nail perfectly on the head! :thumbs:
i've done a little research since in my opinion the "chocolate plecostomus" is the closest chain to the "Common Plecostomus" and assumed that because they are so simular in anatomy, they would probably be simular in size.
during my research i have discovered 2 common answers
some say that the full grown size of the chocolate plecostomas is 18" while others say 12"
the thing that caught my eye was that no matter what size they were claimed to grow to the "common plecostomus" was said to be the same
confirming that they are in fact the same size
i would personally say that i have never seen, or heard of a common pleco growing over 12",
therefore the chocolate would be the same.
IMO the 55gallon would be just fine,
but i'm sure down the road he would LOVE to swim freely in a 90+ :nod:

wow. :lol:
where's the nerd pushing up her glasses smiley when you need her????
i guess this will do :hey:
silver a 90g would be more than enough. MY friend kept a 14'' common plec in his 20g, and tho it seemed creul the pleco seemed fine andlived 5 more years after he reached that size. I say keep your plec in the 55g, they are just too impossible to give away! :wub:
My mother-in-law has a common pleco in her 55 that is 16 inches, and 5 inches at his widest, he is huge :crazy: but all she has in there besides him is 5 neons. She's had him for over ten years, and he seems happy to me. I wish that she'd trade me for one of my smaller ones, I'd love to have this guy in my 150! I'd say if you like him and you take good care of your tanks, then keep him, especially if you plan on a 90. :nod:
Another thing is (CFC....DON'T YOU EVEN LAUGH).....I'm a little afraid of the BIG plecos. What if I had to take him out for some reason or put my hand in when he is really big???? Big fish scare me, that's why I don't have any :lol: I know, I'm a weenie :*) But at least I can admit it :flex: :lol: .

How do you move them if you have to?????? I've never seen a net for an 18" fish before!!! :blink: :S :alien: :fun: :sad: :eek:

silver said:
How do you move them if you have to?????? I've never seen a net for an 18" fish
Here what you do:

-Get one of those shower caps and put it on
-Strech out your back and your neck
-Stretch out your job
-Countdown from 10 in your head
-When you reach zero, thrust your head into the tank and grab the pleco with your mouth
-Throw him on lap/head of unsuspecting visitor

lol, no really, just get a large net, he will "fold" and curl in it but he wont escape if you handle it properly. That means no squeeling and throwing itor dropping it Silver!!!!!

Haha, good luck Silver,

Ya right....... :rolleyes: Seriously, that's what would happen.....

If I dropped the poor guy I would have to pick it up with prongs or something :lol: :-( :rofl: I don't know WHAT I'd do........ :eek: :X


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