I'm Thinking Of Re-doing My Tank


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
Ok, I'm gonna re-do my tank. I'm going for sand instead of gravel, and now I want some cories. What kind can I get that are easy to take care of, realitevly cheap, look good and can go well in a 29 Gallon? Thanks!
There are lots of cories you could get. If you are looking for cheap and easy to take care of, then the Bronze or Albino C. aeneus are a good start. Also, you could look at the C. trilineatus, C. arcuatus, or C. leucomelas, all are fairly common and easy to look after. There are also peppered cories, but they like cooler water.
OA-If you get me a heater, hood, and filter for a 10 gallon tank, then I'll get you some Trilineatus's!

If you want a cheap, easily found one, get a Bronze Cory (Corydoras Aeneus). They're my least favorite, but they may be your most.
Na, I don't like em that much. Any other suggestions? Care tips? Anyone?
C. Sterbai!!!! Some Trilineatuses maybe, C. Leucomelas?

not much care tips, they are really a pretty hardy fish, just be sure not to put any salt in the tank and be careful with meds. Also they like the temp a little bit lower than other fish, 80 is a little bit to high for them, more like 72-78 degrees. But a bit higher temperature for a short while won't hurt them, during this summer, my tank was about 84 degrees for about a whole week, and the cories didn't seem very stressed, although they were a little bit more lethargic than normal...
Ok, then I'd best turn my tempature down, slowly not to put the fish in shock.
Just bring it down to 78 and you'll be fine...as long as you don't get peppered cories

OA- Go to www.planetcatfish.com then click on the bar called "Cat-E-Log" then click on the bar that says "Scientific Names" then click on "Callicthydae" (something like that) Then look at individual cories, pick which 3 you like best, and post them here, and we'll tell you some info about them here.

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