Fish Crazy
My electricity went out I'm like "This is great..I'm expecting my bettas soon. What am I supposed to do when they get here!?" I called the company and they said it would be on the next day because I didn't call early enough for someone to come out.
Then this morning I miss the mailman and get a little note saying that my bettas had come in and I could pick them up at the post office. So off I go! "The mail carrier still has can drive around your neighborhood and get it from him." I nearly died! If I don't find him then they'll be at the post office another 2 days! So I drive around and pullover every mail truck I see asking for my fish and FINALLY I find the right guy. He gives me my package and I speed home so I can open it up and look at my new babies!
I get home and shred the box to pieces and inside there are 3 little baggies. What's the extra baggy for? Its an extra fish!
At first I thought I got an extra female but on closer inspection, I discovered its just an efeminate (I can't spell) male
I sat and wondered what to do with them. fish all looked fine in the cold...and the heat pack had run out before I got them so they were probably used to it by now as well. So I start filling bowls with tank water (water out of the tap was too cold) and put one in the 10 gallon I was going to use as the breeding tank. They float for a bit and so I start alclimating them becuase my ph is a bit harsh to fish who've only been in more acidic water.
Everything's good...but then they start being a little floaty and I got so scared...I thought it might be that I didn't aclimate them long enough, that added with the cold was stressing them out! I keeping thinking that I should just start a small fire in my room.
But here's what I did:
I ran around the house looking for as many candles as possible, and piled them all on the floor of the room. Then I tore the kitchen apart looking for something that would take a fire to it and not explode (grilling pan.) I grabbed one of those big christmas popcorn tins because it looked useful and then tried to put everything together.
With the candles in the tin and the grill pan on top the fire wouldn't get any oxygen and go I found this thing in the kitchen that looked like a mesh pie pan (no idea what it actually is) and put that on top of the popcorn tin and then set the grill pan on that.
With a towel it heated perfectly and I placed the bowls (and one jar, wasn't expecting that 3rd fish) on the grill pan and covered their tops with a tshirt to keep smoke, or anything else comig fromt he candles, out.
They acted a little better...but not much so I sat there watching them when it struck me...Stresscoat! like magic, they were fine.
As soon as I figure out how to get pictures onto my computer from my camera, I'll show you the new babies...and my amazing new tank heater!

Then this morning I miss the mailman and get a little note saying that my bettas had come in and I could pick them up at the post office. So off I go! "The mail carrier still has can drive around your neighborhood and get it from him." I nearly died! If I don't find him then they'll be at the post office another 2 days! So I drive around and pullover every mail truck I see asking for my fish and FINALLY I find the right guy. He gives me my package and I speed home so I can open it up and look at my new babies!

I get home and shred the box to pieces and inside there are 3 little baggies. What's the extra baggy for? Its an extra fish!
Everything's good...but then they start being a little floaty and I got so scared...I thought it might be that I didn't aclimate them long enough, that added with the cold was stressing them out! I keeping thinking that I should just start a small fire in my room.

But here's what I did:
I ran around the house looking for as many candles as possible, and piled them all on the floor of the room. Then I tore the kitchen apart looking for something that would take a fire to it and not explode (grilling pan.) I grabbed one of those big christmas popcorn tins because it looked useful and then tried to put everything together.
With the candles in the tin and the grill pan on top the fire wouldn't get any oxygen and go I found this thing in the kitchen that looked like a mesh pie pan (no idea what it actually is) and put that on top of the popcorn tin and then set the grill pan on that.
With a towel it heated perfectly and I placed the bowls (and one jar, wasn't expecting that 3rd fish) on the grill pan and covered their tops with a tshirt to keep smoke, or anything else comig fromt he candles, out.
They acted a little better...but not much so I sat there watching them when it struck me...Stresscoat! like magic, they were fine.

As soon as I figure out how to get pictures onto my computer from my camera, I'll show you the new babies...and my amazing new tank heater!