As some may remember I bought 3 L200 lories from CM a few months ago. They were stuck in the blackout for 4 days in transit to me and in that time I grew very fond of them & hopeful for their safe arrival. Thankfully they arrived healthy and since then they've become extremely dear to me AND extremely spoiled.
Every night it is a chore to feed them, after turning off all their powerheads I distribute bloodworms in nice neat piles and as fast as I squirt out the worms they swish their tails through them and cause bloodworms to swirl around rocks and under crevices which makes a huge mess. I'm not complaining ,I think it's precious because they're just so brave and fearless that they'd probably eat right off the turkey baster if I gave them the chance But they're just soooo messy AND lazy, they don't even scavenge around, they just sit in their feeding spots waiting every night at about 6 in the evening,so tonight, for the 1st time....I didn't feed them I saw them sitting there....waiting... and I just ignored it ...I can't help but feel like I should run in there and feed them
Every night it is a chore to feed them, after turning off all their powerheads I distribute bloodworms in nice neat piles and as fast as I squirt out the worms they swish their tails through them and cause bloodworms to swirl around rocks and under crevices which makes a huge mess. I'm not complaining ,I think it's precious because they're just so brave and fearless that they'd probably eat right off the turkey baster if I gave them the chance But they're just soooo messy AND lazy, they don't even scavenge around, they just sit in their feeding spots waiting every night at about 6 in the evening,so tonight, for the 1st time....I didn't feed them I saw them sitting there....waiting... and I just ignored it ...I can't help but feel like I should run in there and feed them