Im sorry


Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
As you know i bought a beta yesterday during the night he got a nipped in his fins but i dont know what takmates did it
When i bought him i was assured by 3 people and my friend who has a betta in a communtiy that hed e fine,im worried he could get worse and die.
I have another 5galon which is empty
IT HAD NO HEATER FILTER OR ANYHTING and was once used to hold an illl coldwater goldfish!
Shall i put him in there or lleave him and if i do put him in the 5gal how do i keep it warm???
Please Reply ASAP
depends what the temp is in the room where the 5 gal will be located. betta's like between 78 and 80 in my experience so as long as the water is at that level I would go for it and put it in there.

Some people don't use a filter in their betta tanks. It's up to you but if you don't make sure you do some regular water changes.
Make sure you sanitize that tank(rinse in hot water, use some water-downed vinegar) before you put your betta in there. Personally i have 4 male bettas all in their own 1 gallon bowls with no heaters. They live in room temp(around 74-75F) and they're all perfectly fine and healthy. One of my bettas I've had for over a year. Just daily check his temp with a thermometre. I also find if you put a desk lamp over top that this will increase the temp by a couple degrees.

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