I'm sorry - I have to ask


I wanted to rule the world but got distracted by s
Jun 12, 2004
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United Kingdom
I'm doing a fishless cycle at the moment and despite reading loads of threads about it and the pinned topics, I just dont get it. :blink:

I got ammonia and now that's reduced to 0pm and my Nitrites are at 2ppm. The Nitrates have been at 10 throughout.

Is this right? :dunno:

What next? :dunno:

Please help :unsure:
Is your Nitrite reading on the way up or down?

Now that your Ammonia reads 0, reduce the amount you are putting in the tank (though you still need to feed the bacteria) Try halving your dose (if your Nitrites are on the way up) and wait for the Nitrite to spike. Once the Nitrite starts to fall, you will see a rise in Nitrate. When Ammonia AND Nitrites read 0, you are cycled. Now do a water change to reduce the Nitrates! :)
Thanks alot for that. Ites are on the way up, hope they peak soon :D

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