i'm so weak...

Happens to the best of us.
Possibly two thirds of our pets have been aquired in this way.

Recently we discovered that the people who run the aviary that we visit weekly for bird food had a cat that has had kittens.

We had to leave in a hurry without seeing them or I just KNOW we'd have gone home with a squeeking furry thing in a box...
This is how I wind up with so many caged animals. I go in to buy fish and come out with fish and anything else new that they have in thier. Chinchila's ,degues, and birds. I could keep going but I dont have the time to post all of them that I really do have....
:-( Hampsters.

I had a hampster once. His name was Pretty Boy..he was just your average blonde hampster. But he was fantastic.

I would give him a bath every Thursday and we played out back (we lived in a apartment) in the dirt alot.

I had him outside one day, as usual, and my mom called and I grabbed him up and ran for the house. We had one of those wooden walkways to get to our apartment and it had recently rained. The wood was slick..I was young and dind't knwo to check for stuff like that...and when I hit the walkway I slipped and ell forward...I guess you can imagine what happened.

He lived another day or 2 but died later on. We were moviing to a new house that weekend. He lived until the day we moved in. He was the first thing I buried at our new house. I found a tree that had a hollowed out base and buried him under there.

I'll never have another hampster. :(
I had a hamster years ago when I was about 9. It died and mum never let me have another one because I was so upset. I guess I'm making up for lost time now I'm an 'adult' and live on my own I can have any animal I want...

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