I'm So Excited Lalalala I Just Can't Hide It Lalalala.....


Fish Herder
May 14, 2006
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Guess who is going to pick up 2 Indian Star tortoises tomorrow???? Moi!!! As you can tell I'm very very excited about it and can't wait to post some photo's.

Any other tortoise lovers out there? Please post pic's of your beloved tortoises and tell me what breed they are, their ages and their names. :D
I have one :D they are such curious little creatures!
It lives at home in our garden in South Africa though. I picked it up a few years ago in the middle of the road in the middle of nowhere. That time of year a lot of tortoises just get run over because people can't be bothered to avoid them on the road. I usually stop (where safe) and just move the tortoise into the bush where it's safe(er). But when I picked this one up, it only had three legs and clearly only recently lost the one leg. So though I don't usually take wild animals from their natural habitat, this one was clearly not going to survive long on the roads with only three legs. It came home with me and made a great recovery - where it's been living a happy live in our huge sub-tropical garden. We don't feed it anything in particular as there's lots of goodies in the garden. As far as I know, I've identified it as a It's a Southeastern Bell's Hingeback Tortoise (Kinixys belliana zombensis).

Here are a couple of pics of "Stompie" (roughly translates as "little stump":) Look forward to seeing some photos of yours when you get them :good:



FNM - Bruiser is very handsome! (or pretty if it's a she - but looks like a "he" to me ;) )
Aaaw, how cute is he Bloo?!?!? My hubby also picked up a few on the roads when we still lived in South Africa. His parents had one just before we moved over here. My sister in law found a Terrapin in the road a couple of years ago in South Africa too. She has it living in her duck enclosure (the ducks have all since been sold off) and he digs holes in the ground round the pond to sleep. Very cute.

Look forward to some pics of your little one's Cheffi.

Have to say those tortoises look in lovely condition. I had one years ago was quite old but my ex mother in law lost if from her garden when she was looking after it for me. I was very upset :( I also picked up one from a dirt track when I was visiting family in Florida. Amazing where you find them isn't it? I will post photo's soon as I can. Try and stop me :D
Thanks AlexAndCarmen :D (I never know which one of you is posting !)
He/she certain is a cutie - and despite the size of our garden and all the many hiding spaces, we see him quite often (welll once a week or so). I don't think I could ever keep one as a pet indoors though, knowing how the love to roam about in the shrub and bush.
any news cheffi? Have you got him/her yet? Perhaps you could give us some pics of his/her home too! :good:
any news cheffi? Have you got him/her yet? Perhaps you could give us some pics of his/her home too! :good:

Right I've just got home with them. They are in their deluxe home :) I'm just going to have a rest and let them settle a bit then it's photo time :) I will post them later. :wub:
This is Scooter (that's the boy) and I've named the girl Twinkle. Scooter because he scoots around a lot and Twinkle as in Star as in Indian Star. Twinkle is coming up to around a year old and Scooter is around 3-6 months and unrelated. I have it all in the paperwork how old they are but in all the excitement I can't find it.


Scooter..note the tape measure :wub:

This is Twinkle just coming out to say hello.

Twinkle a bit further out of her shell

Scooter showing his best side.

Last one of Twinkle on the run..I think she forgot to put her teeth in :/

This is my favouritest one it's like Scooters saying Boo!!! :)
Awww thanks Annastasia. My fav one is the last one. Like he's waiting for her to pop out and frighten him. :)
Oh, my computer didn't even load that one until now. I'm definitely changing my nomination to that one, it's adorable! :hyper:

Now I gotta go get the "I'm So Excited" song out of my head, or I'll drive people crazy. :lol:
Aww they are gorgeous!
I have never been a turtle fan but them two are lovely.
There is always some at the local pet store and I have never been tempted by them, I do prefer my guinea pigs.

Emma x
Could you post a picture of your setup? I would love to keep a tortoise but i wouldnt know where to start
Could you post a picture of your setup? I would love to keep a tortoise but i wouldnt know where to start

I will do when I can take some more photo's. The lights have all gone out now and Scooter and Twinkle have gone to bed :wub:

The setups depend really on what breed of tortoise you want to keep. Mine are tropical and are kept differently to Mediterranean tortoises. Also there are conflicting idea's as to how they should be kept indoors. I bought mine from the top breeder of Indian Star's in the country so dispite what some people may say to the contrary I have taken his advice 100% and done exactly as instructed.

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