I'm Setting Up A Fish Room!


Bettas Eh?
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Lowestoft, UK
Ok so ive finally deided im going to make a fish room. he room will consist of maybe over 100 1 gallon critter keepers and 2 10 gallons and a 26 gallon. The 100 1 gallons will be for the fr once old enough and for the holding of breeding for and condititioning and there will also be a few 2 gallons for the breeders to be kept. all will be bare bottom with a clump of plants along the back of the tanks for security and hiding places for the fry when feeling vulnerable. There will be spawnings one after the other if the business is right but probably still will have spawnings if there isnt.

Please reply if you would like to see the step by step guide of the room being made
one of those changing room thingys lol

Bret :)
:huh: yay peeps want to see it lol any one else wna see it because i might not post pics if its just gna be 2 people :/
is just my spare room being transformed ointoa fish room it will onsist of shelves and stands full of critter keepers with bettas everywhere
Good luck with your fishroom! Would like to see the pics as you go. Have just completed my own fishroom and know how excitiing it is as it all comes together.

Don't envy you water changing all those gallon tanks though, no thoughts on building a betta barracks with filter?
i probably wonthave 100 loli will only be keeping the best 20 or so fighters and the rest will be sold on to my LFS's around the area and friends.
yes i do plan on breeding :D i will have one spawning at a time to maximise my care and attention to the fry i have so i can raise good quality fish that i will add to my websites stock list :p is anyone interested in seeing my website when its done?
yes i do plan on breeding :D i will have one spawning at a time to maximise my care and attention to the fry i have so i can raise good quality fish that i will add to my websites stock list :p is anyone interested in seeing my website when its done?
Ya :hey:

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