I'm sad


Jul 27, 2003
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Idaho, USA
I'm not sure why, but for some reason, all of the fish, except one, from my main tank have died. The first one, which I had had for a year and two months, died at the beginning of July. The rest, five in total, have died off one by one since then. After the first died I figured it was because she was old. she was an adult when I got her. So I went out and bought two dwarf puffers to make me feel better. Well, I only have one left. The other was in the fish that died. Five mollies and one dwarf puffer in a nine day span.

I'm sad. :-( My poor tank is naked.

I checked the ammonia and nitrite levels and they are normal. The only thing that I can think of that could have killed them all off was the freaking weather here. One day it is 82° outside so the tank is good at about 76°. The next day it is 94° outside and the tank water goes up to mid 80s. One of my mollies got ich from the tempature changes. If my heater wasn't retarded then I could have it stay at one temp, but it is a piece of crap.

I'm sad. I have no money to get any new fish, so I have to just look at my big empty tank. :p
Sorry to hear about your fish.

I'm having problems too, i had a golden nugget plec which died after getting stuck in the gravel so i went out and got another. Now he's died :(
Was your tank in direct sunlight. Cause I am Virginia. Last 2 weeks it has been betweent 90 and 96 everyday. I normally run tank at 79f, and my tank has not gone beyond 81f. I have digital read out on heater so I know what temp is just by looking.

If it was 94 degrees and you tank went to mid 80's that is crazy! Are you sure heater was not stuck or something?
I don't even have my heater in the tank. Our house just gets really hot. My husband tries to leave the AC on during the day, but our room mate always turns it off. Besides, the AC doesn't go through out the house. It only goes in the kitchen and the living room.

No my tank isn't anywhere near sunlight. We have mini blinds on the window, and they are always closed. Plus we have a sheet over that to keep out the light so my husband can sleep. My tank is never in the sun.

I've just decided not to worry about it. We're going to be moving out soon and when we move out I'll be able to have my fish in comfortable living standards, so I'll get more then. *shrug*
you dont have a heater? thats the problem. heaters regulate the temperature of the tank so they dont fluctuate like that. the temp change was definetly what killed your fish, becuase fish would never go through such a rapid temp change in such a short time in the wild. just make sure that before you buy new fish, buy a heater. it will prevent this from ever happening again.
I have a heater. It is just a piece of crap. As I said before. It only has a dile to turn up the heat. That's it. If I had money to get a new one, I would. But right now I don't. But I have been putting dechlorinated ice cubes in every day and the tank has stayed pretty stable for the last few days. Thank God!

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