I'm Really Tempted


Fish Addict
Dec 8, 2005
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off in my own little world
i have a one gallon tank that cloud lived in for a while. he didn't seem unhappy, but now that he lives in a 10 gallon tank, i'm hesitant about putting any fish back into the one gallon.

i'm really tempted to get another betta with the idea that i'll get a 3 gallon this fall for it to live in... but should i give into temptation and have the fish live in the 1 gallon for the next 3 or 4 months? or just wait til i have the 3 gallon?

i don't have a boy or girl in mind yet, but i'm thinkin' hard about it.
Sure, I'd say go ahead.

But not on the assumptsion that you'll get it a bigger tank later and it'll all be tea and crumpets.
As you already know smaller tank=more work. If your up to that, go right on ahead. ;)
I think the smaller tanks with just a betta and a plant are so much easier to clean and the betas seem v. happy. :good:
ALL six of my bettas are in one gallons. And I put one of my bettas, who was in a shallow and long rubbermaid container that held 2.5 gallons into a one gallon rubbermaid container, and he LOVES it in the new container. He didn't move around much in the big one, but he darts all around the one gallon. I say that one gallon is perfectly fine. The bettas that get the bigger tanks are just like the rich kids at school...they have the same problems as everybody else, but we all are capable of being happy if we are taken care of. :good:
The bettas that get the bigger tanks are just like the rich kids at school...they have the same problems as everybody else, but we all are capable of being happy if we are taken care of.
Thats a great way to put it! (and no, I'm not being sarcastic, LoL)
oooo y'all aren't helping. i saw another 1 gallon tank today at the store for only $11 (minus the filter and gravel and plant... and fish) ... but still- then i can get TWO more bettas... lol i want a girl, hubby wants another boy :)
i want a girl, hubby wants another boy :)

Isn't that just how it always is??? :lol:

I say if you have the money, time, and space go ahead and get two! I think if you have those three things, you can never have too many bettas. :D :hey:
$11 for just the tank with nothing else included? You can get a larger one for that price, even around here where prices are higher than most parts of the country. I just bought a 10 gallon tank on sale for $7.99 yesterday, but the regular prices is $9.99, which is still less than $11. And around here, a 2.5 gallon and 5 gallon both go for the same price, give or take about .50 cents. I am aware that prices can vary widely depending on your region, though. Anyway, make sure you check prices on larger tanks before getting another 1 gallon if you'd rather have something bigger. That said. I bought a 2 gallon glass canister for $12 last month just because it is perfect for my kitchen counter! It all depends on what you want, I guess.

I'd poke around 2nd hand stores, such as the Salvation Army. Prices where I'm at in the USA are pretty extreme, and even I found 1Gs cheaper than that. My 1g bowls at St. Vincent DuPaul's were all around $3, and they shiney up pretty easily. :)

To give you some horrifying contrast, a 1g bowl where I'm at, as in a drum style bowl, costs about $14 here, and 10Gs cost about $50.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: About 2 weeks after the 4th of July, most second hand stores experience a big surplus of 1-5G tanks and bowls. Why? That's around the time the 4th of July, carnival won goldfish dies It's an effective way to save money if you don't mind the slight morbidity of it. :D

Big vases from craft stores (such as Jo-Annes), can actually be above 1G if you pay attention to the size of the vase, and they're quite cheap, as well.

Actually, if you search the betta forum, someone on here had the forthought to start a "cheap small tank" thread, which helped one find suitable bowls for their addiction. My favorite is still the pickle jar, which can be as large as 1.5G. :D Either go to a wholesale store (such as Costco), or a deli for them. Delis like a corner shop will usually give them away for free, or even a supermarket deli will give them away as well. To them, it's one less jar in the trashcan.
well, it's $10 for the tank, hood and light and air pump, stone, tubing and a ugf. i toss the ugf- and get a penn plax filter for $4- no need to buy the air pump :) then what- $3 for gravel $3 for a plant and $5 (maybe?) for a betta? $25 total.
my oldest betta, who I thought was on his way out only the other day is swimming round in a small plastic fish bowl that I keep for cleaning them out. He has a heater, one of those flat sort, and very clean water. I have to cover the bowl up with a small chopping board, and the bowl is scratched, but he has really perked up. I have a couple of glass tanks but he doesnt seem happy in them. :grr: Need to see if I can find something a bit better but same size. :D

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