I'm really in need of some help


i eat buttons
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Funk Town
:/ my dwarf gourami has had a lump on the side of its mouth for MONTHS! (sinse i got her)
it has slowly gotten bigger over time and now it is about 3mm high!
i thought it was a tumor at first, but the it split open, so i thought it was an ulcer and treated it with melafix,
over the course of a week it healed closed but the bump remained
every couple of weeks it splits again so i have to let it heal naturally (i have no hospital tank and i can't keep medicating all of my fish in the tank)
so now it starts to heal, then splits some more, then starts to heal (but never fully closes) then splits some more
the wound isn't getting bigger but the bump is slightly
noone really had any answers when i first asked but its not going away
i don't know what to do and i am so worried that she might be suffering
she is still eating and somewhat active (all my gourami's are peaceful and layed back)
but i don't know if she is hurting cause i don't speak fish :no: :fish:

oh please help me :-(
i would have put this in the emergency section but this room had more people and i don't think its a real emergency
i am really scared for her but i know she isn't in immediate danger
tstenback said:
could be FURUNCULOSIS which is open sores that wont heal on anabantids one remedy is neomycin. HTH
i'll check it out and let you know if i find anything ;)
i have never heard of it before and the pictures of it on samon were WAY worse then this (looked gorred)
but when looking up the medications i read this

FURUNCULOSIS: Open sores on Gouramis or other anabantids.

and since it IS an open sore on my gourami, i am guessing that this is what it is :)

the medical information sounded grusome! :sick:
but when i looked it up in aquarium fish it sounded like no big deal, and easily fixed

i hope this works :thumbs:
keep your fingers crossed

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