I'm Really Craving A Bigger Tank!


Fish Herder
Jun 19, 2010
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I really want a massive 6ft tank!! I don't have the room though or the money for the electric bill!!

I was thinking, I'd love some tangs! A trigger, and anthers and stuff!! Plus my tanks finished and I want a new project!! :(

I want a clown tang, a yellow tang, and a purple tang!! Picas trigger, some wrasse!! Ohh a leopard wrasse!! A psyc mandarin! Goby and pistol shrimp! Loads of shrimp! Massive corals... Clarki clowns! Oh god I could list hundreds!!

Shall I move just so I can get a #29### tank!!!
Go for it mate!.......just make the room! Lol

I would love a 6fter! But I simply don't have the space (unless I sell my sofa lol) plus there's the small matter of convincing the wife!

Oh well!......one day!......

I could always put one in the kitchen but I'm not sitting in there of a night to watch it!
Clown tang would be too aggressive for a standard 6 footer! If fish could do sport...they would deffinatly be cage fighters!

You only live once! Upgrade!!
lol I've had a similar dilemma. There is a 7ft tank with everything needed bar live rock for sale near me so tempting. But i'm going to get my smaller tank up and running instead.
I know, really want one. The mrs is no way going to let me upgrade yet! Altho that doesn't normally stop me!  how big a tank does a clown tang need, if I upgrade it'd be totally for him!! It's my favourite fish!!!
Haha Im the same but other way round, my BF gets annoyed everytime I mention something new. My newest is a 6ft marine tank, never done marine before only trops so lots of money spending going to happen :D yay!!!
Bigger tanks are always better as easy to maintain- thats my line anyway haha
TBH i actually like setting up small tanks, i love my nano's.

wouldnt say no to a free 8 footer though :hey:
I am with Sorgan prefer a smaller tank now too much work keeping a large tank always doing something with it.

And its a nightmare putting in corals and trying to get everything out
2 weeks ago, my aunty gave me a small hexagonal 50-60L tank.. my house is so small that I had to use an online room designer thing to despertely try and find a layout for my living room furniture that meant I could fit the tank it somewhere.... and now I have a 330L tank being delivered on monday :lol: I still have no idea where I'm gunna put it, I REALLY might have to get rid of my sofa!!

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