I'm Pretty Sure She's A Platy Now....


Fish Herder
Apr 8, 2009
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Hey guys. Some of you might remember that topic where I was asking what kind of baby fish I had.
<a href="http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=281647&hl=" target="_blank">http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=281647&hl=</a>
(The fish that was born looking exactly like a guppy, but grew up to be a platy.)
Yeah, well, I'm just here with an update. I'm still not too sure what she is -- I'm almost 100% positive a platy, but I still have my doubts since she looked exactly like a guppy when born. So, yeah..... here's the pic:

103_2476.jpg (1.3 MB)
(Tell me if that link works.)
Isn't that weird coloring though? What kind of platy do you think that is?

By the way, just as a side note: She is perfectly healthy, and I haven't bought any live plants lately, or fish that can lay eggs. (Other than corys.) So I think that eliminates the hitch hiker possibility, and a fish in my tank laying eggs. (Though she looks kinda' like a tetra to me!)

Thanks for any suggestions! :good:
Yes thats a young platy.

I also went back to the old topic and looked through the pic's and i could tell that was a platy too.
Best of luck with her.
I have several young platies in my tank, and none of them look very much like the picture of your fish. The size of it's eye in comparison to it's body looks too large, and the body shape just doesn't look right to me. Platy heads come to a point with the mouth as the tip, and this baby's head has a very rounded shape. I agree that she looks more like a tetra, but I definitely don't think it's a platy.
Thanks everyone! :good:
Does anyone know what type of platy she is, exactly? Never seen one looking like her.
Thanks for the help so far! :good:

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