I'm new to Goldfish, need some help.


Mar 4, 2005
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New Hampshire
Well, I had posted that I'm getting rid of my 35 gallon hex tank (HATE IT)... and the comets & koi I have in the tank will be leaving this weekend. I will be left with 2 FanTail Goldies. I have no clue what kind they are... One is just orange, and the other is white with a red cap on his head. Anyway, I don't know what kinda things Goldfish like in their tanks, or if they need a heater, or what temp they should be at. Can anyone help me give these fish a happy home? I'll be setting up their new tank on Monday, and hopefully going shopping this weekend for supplies.


Fantail Goldfish


Red Cap Oranda
hi kara
the tank is a great size for your two fish and a heater isnt neccessary unless you are putting them into a cold room.
are you from u.k or the u.s?
make sure filtration is at least 10 times the tank capacity and as for inside the tank then thats down to you. a lot of people keep their fish in a bare bottom tank to minimise bacteria build up and easier for cleaning out. small sized gravel is good as well as a substrate as goldies like to root around,but dont use sand as it clogs the gills and they make so much mess with it as well.
there arent many live plants that the fish wont eat but having some elodea will be a great addition for something to eat and make sure it is clean of snails before you put it in the tank.
for decoration make sure anything you get wont trap any fish in,especially as they grow quite fast.
another thing to invest in is a test kit. dropper tests are more accurate than the strips and you will need ammonia, which is usually seperate, nitrite, nitrate and ph.
for gravel you will need a gravel vac of some kind as well.
hope some of that helped :)

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