im new at this


May 2, 2004
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ok...i went to the lfs and bought a few fish about a week ago. I got 2 yellow cichlids, but the unfortunate thing is that i forgot to see the name so i could read up on them. I got a male and a female so i was hoping that maybe they would breed. If you could identify my fish, please help. Also on breeding would be great.
pics would be great, check out the gallery at look at yellow lab as that seems to be a common yellow cichlid, if not look at all of them, you could describe them to us in detail, maybey thatd help, also i highly doubt your lfs really could tell there sex (of course the yellow lab is supposed to be easily sexed, the less to no black on the top fin means its a female more black=male)

anyways pics
They also have special requirements, and should be kept in a species only tank due to their special ph, gh, and kh needs.
addict, you hit the nail on the head. Those are them. I have them in a community tank, they seem to be getting along fine. Now tips on breeding?

EDIT: o positive my fish are male/female. Ones dorsal fin is almost completly black, the other not.

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