Im Kind Of New


New Member
Oct 6, 2008
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Hello people!
I just signed up for this today and i just wanted to know if anyone knew anything i should know
im 14 and i have 4 fish tanks
that i take care of all by myself:)
1. 28 gallon community tank
2. 10 gallon community tank
3. 1 gallon guppy tank
4. 1 gallon tank for my pregnant female guppy

oh and i have 7 adorable baby guppies:) :wub:

so any advice or that kind of stuff would be great:)

thank you so much :fun: B-)
The secret of my success: Test your water stats regularly and go do water changes like they're... uh... water. Oversimplifying, of course, but a great many problems can be caught early by water stats, and just about every solution to problems involves water changes, and some can be completely solved by them.

A 28 gallon's a great community. My first tank was a 29 gallon community, which has been upgraded a couple times and is now 55 gallons. If you ever feel the need to upgrade, go big - it's cheaper to jump up to a 75 gallon and take a long time to stock it than to upgrade to a 40 and decide you want a 55 in six months or a year. I'm already comtemplating the upgrade to 75.
The secret of my success: Test your water stats regularly and go do water changes like they're... uh... water. Oversimplifying, of course, but a great many problems can be caught early by water stats, and just about every solution to problems involves water changes, and some can be completely solved by them.

A 28 gallon's a great community. My first tank was a 29 gallon community, which has been upgraded a couple times and is now 55 gallons. If you ever feel the need to upgrade, go big - it's cheaper to jump up to a 75 gallon and take a long time to stock it than to upgrade to a 40 and decide you want a 55 in six months or a year. I'm already comtemplating the upgrade to 75.

haha okayy thanks

but for now i think im going to have to stick to the 28 gallon
(i dont think i will be able to convince my mom to get a bigger tank anytime soon
especialy cause i just got this one last Christmas) :blush:

but thanks for the advice:) :fish:
Yes, good advice from Corleone. My son and I have a 28g community and are having a great time with it. He showed it off to his grandparents last night and we were both happy with now nice it looked.

Corleone made such a good choice, emphasizing that water tests (performed with good test kits) and the art of water changes will take you a long way. His advice is a good example of how important information and knowledge is in this hobby. Somehow you have found this forum and for many of us, the very thing of sharing learned information here is the most powerful thing that ever happened to help our skills in the hobby.

I recommend you read as many of the pinned articles at the top of the "New to the hobby" forum as you can and at the same time read as many beginner threads (both current and older) as you can. Reading a participating in current threads is fun because its kind of right there in real time and active interaction is often a better way to make yourself learn.

Anyway, wecome to TFF and hope you have fun!

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