I'm intrested in ottos.... =)


May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
i have a 10 gallon tank with just 1 male and 1 female guppy, i was thinking to add some ottos, how much should i get?

and for my other ten gallon, i think 10 cories is a bit too much, but i want to see a LARGE school, i'll probably buy a bigger tank soon but..... i was thinking on having a total of

6 sterbai cory and 1 albino cory, that is all no more fish in the tank, but i dont think i have enought room for them to swim, look at my tank at my signature, that's the tank the 7 cories will be in :/
That is going to be to much for that many fish in both instances for the 10 gallons. It would be definitly better to get a 20-30 gal tank for that.
i agree, you can't have a tank filled with bottom feeders and nothing else...what would they eat off of? :/

as for the 10G that you have with the 2 fish, i would suggest maybe 3 or 4 otos (if you really like them), i got a 25G with 3 otos in it and it's cool, but for some reason they like to stick together :)
i have a 10 gallon tank with just 1 male and 1 female guppy, i was thinking to add some ottos, how much should i get?
If you dont have an algae source then be careful adding these guys, they will adjust to other sinking food and blanched veggies but mine still prefer algae. For this tank i would add 3 ottos as they like each others company, but you have room for 4 if you want as they only get about 1.5 inches in length and your guppies are not large or messy.
and for my other ten gallon, i think 10 cories is a bit too much, but i want to see a LARGE school, i'll probably buy a bigger tank soon but..... i was thinking on having a total of
In a ten gal i would put in 4 maybe 5 of these guys as they do like to swim and they are some of the larger cories. It will depend on your water parameters. HTH :)
cutecotton said:
you can't have a tank filled with bottom feeders and nothing else...what would they eat off of? :/
You CAN have a tank with just bottom feeders!!... they would eat off the food that sinks to the bottom, i.e. sinking pellets, wafers, crumbles, etc.
good point beside people have told me that their bioload is like half of the other fishes, so like the bio load is like 3 guppies if i have 6 cories, and there is a way to feed them, as heresmike said. :D

I think i will take the suggestion of getting like..4 ottos :wub:

I think that my 10 gallon tank will hold off for a while, besides if i cant get a bigger tank in time, i can always put some cories in the other 10 gal tank :fun:

Edit: I have also been told that my diet for my cories is pretty good also, i feed them shrimp pellets, hikary sinking warfers (for bottom feeders) and as for the flakes i can make them sink by putting the flakes on the waterfall of my hang on back filter (did that make sense? :S )
cutecotton said:
i agree, you can't have a tank filled with bottom feeders and nothing else...what would they eat off of? :/
What? Bottom feeders like good food too, they don't have to eat scraps, and you can certainly have a bottom feeder tank, boring, but possible.
dwarfs said:
cutecotton said:
i agree, you can't have a tank filled with bottom feeders and nothing else...what would they eat off of? :/
What? Bottom feeders like good food too, they don't have to eat scraps, and you can certainly have a bottom feeder tank, boring, but possible.
:X dont say that! it's not going to be boring, a whole school of cories schooling together will be so cool and cute :wub:

and bottom feeders dont mean they eat u know what, they eat food too, exept they eat at the bottom of the tank :X
wow i never knew otos were schooling fishies! no wonder those guys always stick together :huh: do you think i should add another one in the tank?
cutecotton said:
wow i never knew otos were schooling fishies! no wonder those guys always stick together :huh: do you think i should add another one in the tank?
hmm...isn't 3 enough? then again, there's no such thing as enough, the more the better :p :D
heresmike said:
Kevin... one thing you should be ware of is that ottos are notorious for being fragile... they seem to die rather easily w/o cause.
:eek: omg, really? sorta like panda cories? -_-
kevin007 said:
heresmike said:
Kevin... one thing you should be ware of is that ottos are notorious for being fragile... they seem to die rather easily w/o cause.
:eek: omg, really? sorta like panda cories? -_-
Yes I'm afraid I've lost several ottos while the other fish in the tanks remain healthy. I've heard this from others also.

Knock on wood... I currently have 6 panda corys that have been doing well for a long time in my 29 gallon! Although I lost a couple of those too. :-(

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