i have a 10 gallon tank with just 1 male and 1 female guppy, i was thinking to add some ottos, how much should i get?
and for my other ten gallon, i think 10 cories is a bit too much, but i want to see a LARGE school, i'll probably buy a bigger tank soon but..... i was thinking on having a total of
6 sterbai cory and 1 albino cory, that is all no more fish in the tank, but i dont think i have enought room for them to swim, look at my tank at my signature, that's the tank the 7 cories will be in
and for my other ten gallon, i think 10 cories is a bit too much, but i want to see a LARGE school, i'll probably buy a bigger tank soon but..... i was thinking on having a total of
6 sterbai cory and 1 albino cory, that is all no more fish in the tank, but i dont think i have enought room for them to swim, look at my tank at my signature, that's the tank the 7 cories will be in