Im In Desprate Need Of Help With My Sailfin Molly


Fish Crazy
Jul 28, 2008
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my dolmation molly has not parted with any waste for 3 days now shes looking very bloated but shes also pregnant .ive tryed micro worm ,frozen peas cooked and shell taken off, and finly crushed into powder flakes and liquifry but shes not eating much she sometimes dont even bother what wrong with her am i going to loose her.ill try and get pic of her now and post in next 10 mins please help.o im also doing water changes every day due to some amonia and nitraite in tank .


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she wont eat because theres a hormone in there body makes them not hungry wen there pregnant dono about the toilet stuff leave that for someone else
she tryes sometimes but spits it back out ,i can see a bit of black at the back end which is the gravid spot but shes been pregnant for nearly 5 wks now and getting worried her hole at back end either looks clogged or shes getting ready for popping its like a hole thats covered its hard to explain as she wont keep still long enough to get a pic of her bum end lol
will she not give birth becouse she cant poo im getting realy upset im trying everything people are telling me and its not working she still wont poo


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Over the next few days, just keep an eye on her, she maybe ready to drop, this is what i was trying to tell you with mollies, they dont get very big most of the time when pregnant so this could be why she is acting this way, she may be ready ;)
but she not pooped for 4 days can this not harm her,do they stop pooping when nearly ready to drop she has started doing that thing again swimming up and down the birthing tank and sort of shaking herself from side to side o god im realy worried about her ,
How can you be sure? you aint been watching her 24 hours a day ;)
IM A BIT HAPPY MY GUPPY HAS STARTED LABOUR 4 BABYS SO FAR YIPPEE but still upset about my sailfin molly poor thing
shes in a birthing tank and theres no poo

she has the rome of a full birthing tank not just half and theres been no poo at all
could she be stressed? turn the lights out and stop peaking on her.
the light is off as i have a guppy giving birth ,she dont seemed stressed just rang the pet store and they have said her bum could be blocked due to her being pregnant as the babys will be pushing down so when she give birth she will poss poo .he said that if i put salt in (aquarium salt) this can help her , her bum looks the colour of her now not like an pinky colour

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