I'm Impressed!

Miss Wiggle

Practically perfect in every way
Mar 24, 2006
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picked up a new tetratec x700 the other day, first time i've tried a tetratec. dead impressed with it, it was ludicrously easy to set up (ok i know cannisters aren't exactly rocket science but sometimes they can be a bit fiddly). Hooked it all up on the tank went to start it and realised I hadn't filled it with water like you normally need to so that they'll prime, thought I'll just give the self prime thing a shot just incase before i pull it all apart to fill it up. Pressed the button twice nad it kicked into action straight away. I'm absolutely gobsmacked, we've a fluval which can take a good half an hr to prime even when it's full.

So congrats to tetratec for making a self-primer that actually works. :good: Could have knocked me down with a feather when that thing started up!
Certainly something worth bearing in mind then! :good:
I started my new filter last night, an Aqua One Aquis 1200, remove the prime cap, filled it with water, replaced the cap, and as you've said in your post, it must have still taken a good half an hour of wiggling, shaking, and tilting the filter to try and get it to pass any trapped air bubbles out of it and finally start running quietly!
What would you recommend for a 300L tank? I was looking at the TetraTec EX1200, but not sure if it should really have something bigger (to get closer to the target of 5 circulations per hour).
The Aquis 1200 quotes 750 LpH at operating head, with media, but without outlet attachments. Allowing for bends in pipes, outlet fitment, etc I would guess I'm probably going to be getting closer to 600 LpH, (only twice per hour), hence the thoughts of upgrade at some point :)
particularly when you've got a big tank i like to run two filters to put a bit of redundancy into the system, so if one fails then you've still got some filtration and also you can make sure you've got good flow at both sides of the tank and stuff like that. Tetratec's are definately getting my vote at the moment so you may want to pick up two EX1200's or one and a 700 or something like that...... can't remember the exact turnover specs of the 1200 (is it 1200lph?!) but just work it so you've got 5x turnover spread across two filters :good:
Perhaps I'll look at getting a supplementary filter then once finances allow, having just bought this new setup things are a bit 'tight' right now - lol
The TetraTex EX1200 is quoted at 1200 Lph, and similarly your 700 is quoted at 700Lph. However that is MAXIMUM flow rate, which is the same as on my existing Aquis 1200.
However Aqua One go into a bit more detail defining 'maximum flowrate' as being the filter running at 0 head, and with no media - lol
They do then nicely provide an 'Operating Flowrate' which is given with media, and a 1.4m head (1.4 meters between the top of the filter and the highest point the water has to reach). For the Aquis this is 750Lph, (I'd imagine similar for the Tetratec). Looking at that though maybe I was being a bit pesemistic with my turnover rate; the top of my tank is probably only 1m above the filter, so according to that I should be getting in excess of 750LpH, so if it was 800Lph that would be 2.6 tank cycles an hour. Still nowhere near the target of 5, but it does mean that if I eventually got another one they would compliment each other nicely to hit that magic 5 :good:
yeah sure, we normally recommend 3x as a minimum 5 x as ideal normally. You probably have that, stock lightly at first to allow for the limited filtration and then supplement it down the line when you have some more cash and you can then build up the stocking. :good:
Well I'm shocked at your description of fussing with the Fluval for a half hour on startup. I didn't know that could happen. I just thought with all cannisters you make sure the water falls over the tank edge siphoning down to the cannister and then you just plug it in and it runs. That's basically all I do with my Eheim Pro. I do like to pick it up and tilt it some after its going to get the last little bubbles, but that only takes a minute or so.

With Fluvals, I tend to put the outlet in a bucket, with the inlet positioned in the tank. Open the valves and check that there is a flow of air out of it. If there is, great, wait for the water to come out the outlet and fill the bucket, before closing the valves and rigging to switch on. If the syphen is lost for whatever reason, I suck and proceed as per "is there any air comming out?" That usualy works, but large air bubbles can jam the impeller. I find a good kick in the right place (seriously) usualy does the trick :hyper: :shifty: Some call it abuse(parents and work collegues), I call it practical repairs :lol:

I find the TT's considerably easier. Plug in, press a button (usualy just once, needing a second pump is IME unusual) wait a minuite or two while it fills up and switch on. Can't get much easier, appart from when you leave the water in the tubes, and then you forget about pressing any buttons, just make shure you open the outlet tap before the inlet one :good:

Glad your pleased with your new toy Miss Wiggle

All the best
yeah def pleased with it, it's a bit of an interim fix as we really needed to replace both filters on the tank as the fluval we have has nearly had it as well now, but with the current economic situation thats all we could afford. thankfully the tank is stocked at around 0.5" per gal at the moment and heavily planted so it can take a bit less filtration, but i'm def impressed with the tetratec and will be looking at replacing the fluval with one of the larger models when our finances allow. sadly i think the nice cube we were looking at the other month is not gonna happen anytime soon. Just keeping this tank ticking over for now.
Got your old Rena in the Garrage ATM. Needs some inlet and outlet sets, that could be plumbed from just standord PVC pipe that I suppose Ian will have somewhere if your interested. I retired it after the main seal ring started to leak air into the canister, but having taken it appart I found the issue was sand under the ring :rolleyes: Your's on Saturday if you're interested? I could also lend out some TT inlet and outlets if needed, but would need them back if either of mine developed a fault under warrenty :good: Hoses are v.short also...Drop me a PM if you want it
Got your old Rena in the Garrage ATM. Needs some inlet and outlet sets, that could be plumbed from just standord PVC pipe that I suppose Ian will have somewhere if your interested. I retired it after the main seal ring started to leak air into the canister, but having taken it appart I found the issue was sand under the ring :rolleyes: Your's on Saturday if you're interested? I could also lend out some TT inlet and outlets if needed, but would need them back if either of mine developed a fault under warrenty :good: Hoses are v.short also...Drop me a PM if you want it

not around on sat to pop in but will give it some though! thanks Rabbut :good:

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