Miss Wiggle
Practically perfect in every way
picked up a new tetratec x700 the other day, first time i've tried a tetratec. dead impressed with it, it was ludicrously easy to set up (ok i know cannisters aren't exactly rocket science but sometimes they can be a bit fiddly). Hooked it all up on the tank went to start it and realised I hadn't filled it with water like you normally need to so that they'll prime, thought I'll just give the self prime thing a shot just incase before i pull it all apart to fill it up. Pressed the button twice nad it kicked into action straight away. I'm absolutely gobsmacked, we've a fluval which can take a good half an hr to prime even when it's full.
So congrats to tetratec for making a self-primer that actually works.
Could have knocked me down with a feather when that thing started up!
So congrats to tetratec for making a self-primer that actually works.