Im I Doing Something Wrong (Shrimp)


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2007
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Hi all, so i have about 2 months now that i successfully had red cherry shrimp in my 20g tank. I have about 10 females and about 3 males right now, i have seen them molting and i make sure that theres always something to eat. Temp is currently from 76-78 degree's

They look happy but they arent breeding... i dont know why but im i doing something wrong? should i add more males to the group or is it too little time?

iv hear of ppl saying that they breed like crazy but mines arent ; (

thanks for any advice everyone ; )
Hi all, so i have about 2 months now that i successfully had red cherry shrimp in my 20g tank. I have about 10 females and about 3 males right now, i have seen them molting and i make sure that theres always something to eat. Temp is currently from 76-78 degree's

They look happy but they arent breeding... i dont know why but im i doing something wrong? should i add more males to the group or is it too little time?

iv hear of ppl saying that they breed like crazy but mines arent ; (

thanks for any advice everyone ; )
They probably are breeding but the shrimplets are incredibly small when they hatch and can easily be over looked. Also what what type of filter do you have on the tank? When I had my cherry shrimp in my AquaOne tank they got up into the top of the filter and where living in there rather than the tank. Do you have live plants in the tank or artificial? Live plants help with water quality and food for the shrimp, even though they wont eat the plants they will fed off the micro- growth of other things that can collect on the leaves and stems. Have you seen the females with saddles? When the females have shed their shells do you see the males swimming around like mad things trying to find the females? Are the shrimp mature? As in are the females fully coloured and the males less coloured and no evidence of a saddle?
The filter will probably be the answer, I wondered this too until I put a stocking over the filter intake. A month later meant quite a few young shrimp pottling about.


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