so I've not been able to keep plecos long term, both my South American tetra, and cichlid tanks, should be good conditions for them, the rest of the fish thrive... they seem to get lethargic, and slowly die... sometimes they don't move for a week or more, and I go to fish them out with the net, only to have them swim off, to die a week later... most have been various breeds of bushy nose, but a few others as well... my king tigers are wood chewers, and I noticed my biggest one, this morning is acting like a zombie... I wondered maybe they didn't like the water at 78 degrees, but so far several have been living with my Tilapia, in the breeding tanks, and those are at like 85 degrees, with no problems, so far... at least one of the two I added to my cool water barb tank has been thriving... it's a strange situation, as they all seem to be thriving, until one day they turn to zombies, then a few weeks later they die... all other fish doing well in those tanks... thoughts???