I'm gonna rearange the tank...


Fish Addict
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
Hey everyone!
Whoa, has this place taken off or what?! Great job William and Mods!! I haven't been on the boards since last summer, but I have been in the live chat lately. I finally have time for this once again seeing that I graduated from College as a herpatologist...now its time to go out and find a great job. But I'm looking to switch around my tank and want to get rid of the brqackish water in there and go for my first freshwater fish tank in my life!!! :D WOOPEEE!!!!
I want to get oscars for my 55 gallon tank. I don't just want oscars in there, I also want some color and pretty fish in there. Any suggestions on what are good, colorful fish to go in a 55 gallon tank with oscars? And, how many oscars can I get in my 55 gallon tank and still be able to get quite a few other colorfish with them? Thanks everyone!
Opps, I've been researching them and it looks like they need 120 gallons! MMM, what other kind of fish could I get? Pretty, intesting, and learns to reconize you....any ideas? Thanks!
I think oscars need to be in a tank of their own....they would probably eat and/or bully other small colourful fish. I could suggest some other type of cichlid but I am not sure of their compatibility with other cichlids...you could post this in one of the cichlid sections on this site perhaps..
from expereience I can say if an oscar can fit it in its mouth it's considered food. But they're such cool fish. Water Dogs indeed.
Mbuna Cichlids would be a good choice, they don't grow to the size of Oscars but they have bags of personality and there is always something going on in the tank. If you look at my setup, I also have 2 silver sharks, a sailfin Plec and 2 synodontis feather fin catfish.

In terms of colours, I don't think you can beat Mbuna (marine fish aside) as most of the species are different in colour or come in different morphs. Your tank size would be OK for several different species but be careful with any non Cichlids you may want to add, there are not many fish who can live with the Mbuna.

Hope this helps.
Hey Ron

Recognition is something that, among other fish too, all cichlids seem to practice. There are many that you can put into a 55 gallon that would be more suitable then an Oscar, and many of them much nicer too.

Firmouths, Salvani, Jack Dempsey, Festivum, and Acara are just a few.
Go for a Kack Dempsy I miss mine sooo much. But make sure your lid is down. Mine commited suicide.(Jumped right out in teh middle of the night, and we didnt know till morning) :sad:

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