i'm going to throw up


i eat buttons
Feb 5, 2004
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Funk Town
last night i was driving when the car in front of me slammed on their brakes and swerved
i slammed on mine and when we he started to drive again the poor man was driving very slow and shakey,
then i saw what had upset him
i had to hit my brakes a second time as an obviously domestic rabbit(our wild rabbits are very destinct) rolled across the road
it was very large and a velvet grey
and it was obviously hit by a car
there is alot of traffic on that road and it is not very well lit and crossed twice with railroads
so i couldn't get out of my vehicle to help the poor creature
believe me i was torn up inside
i kept thinking of the poor thing rolling around on the road, back end twisted and maimed
it was using its head to try to roll itself away from traffic but it was going into the other lane
i know it was probably already dead, and just moving out of shock
but i can't help but beat myself up about it
i keep thinking there had to have been somewhere i could have pulled over to help it
and then thinking of the poor owner who is probably stricken with grief and will not find closure until they discover its broken body on the side of the road

its so sad :-(
poor little bunny
i honestly hope that it was dead the first time it was hit and only moving from shock
what a horrible way to go
squished to death by tires :-( :-( :byebye: :byebye:
Thats really sad PK :(
I used to live out in the country, so I know how bad it feels to hit an animal with your car.. the worst thing though was witnessing my own dog get hit when I was a kid.
I was helping my aunt move into her new house when I saw a cat get hit by a bus. It was disgusting. It took about 2 minutes for it to die, but it looked horrifying. The bus didn';t even slow down.
Round here, I see things like hedgehogs, foxes, badgers, rabbits and birds. Also, sometimes squirrels.

Even though I see them often, it doesn't numb the feeling of sickness or shock. Poor animals.

Keep strong, I know how you feel.
;) :flex:
well i have seen alot of wildlife run over on the road before
but never still alive and twitching
usually it just grosses me out and i have that "poor creature" fealing
but seeing the rabbit still moving around as it was half smooshed
:sick: :sick: :sick: :-( :-( :-(

my sister once hit a bird on a very busy road with nowhere to pull over
she just kept her eyes on the road and prayed and prayed that she had either just stunned it or flat out killed it but then she looked in her rear view mirror and saw it all smashed up and still alive, sputtering around on the pavement, then sucked benieth more traffic and struck repeatedly
she ended up crying the whole way home
then she phoned me all upset to tell me
it flew into her windshield, there was nothing she could do

I forgot it was still moving. Your sister must have felt soooo bad. I agree, there was nothing she could do, but I bet she still felt awful. Incedently, my dad almost ran over a pheasant today, it was pecking around in the middle of the road. He braked violently, and managed to avoid it! ;)

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