Im going to be a father

robbie carrobie

New Member
Jan 18, 2005
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Help me, Im a newbie, only got my aquarium two months ago and I am already a father. some details, aquarium is mixed tank 70 gallons i think 6foot*2foot*2foot, 2 bala sharks, 1 red tail shark, two black upside down catfish, two other spotted catfish, 4 silver dollars, 1 pleck, two other little sharks, two little fish i dont know what they are and the two that are going to be parents, oh help me i wish i knew what they were, they are bigger than the rest, one is a bright orange colour like a parrot fish but different, the other a dark green colour with some stripes, i know its not much to go on but please help, what do I do, i knew something was going down, they started to become protective of their side of the tank and now there are loads of little eggs on one of the logs and the proud parents are hovering over them, will they survive, what if they survive, how do i increase their chances of survival, if anything happens to them that i could prevent i will never forgive myself, so please all you experienced midwives out there help deliver these little ones with giving ol robbie some advice (a free cigar for every reply).
Ok I need some more info. Pictures would be great, if you can't then tell their shape. Are they cigar shaped like a pseudotropheus cichlid, flat and round, flat and long, ball shaped. If you can describe their shape in comparrisson to another fish that would be great.
Are they Africans? My experience with those babies are the mother is VERY protective of the babies... If she gets too paranoid about another fish trying to eat her babies, she will eat them herself- but in most cases they are good parents. Good luck... I hope they survive.
Ok Have done some searching , fish seem to be american cichlids, one a golden severum and the other is a dark green colour, hopefuly this helps. Was on another websiite which says that it sometimes takes couples a few tries before fry are produced, please tell me that they wont eat their eggs. any advice on how to help parents and protect little eggs most appreciated.
Hi robbie carrobie :)

I'll move your thread to the cichlid forum where it will be seen by members who can help you.

Good luck with your new little family! :thumbs:
If the two are going to be parents teh Green one u r talking about is probly a gren severum.
thanks people for interest, will i screen the parents and little eggs off from the other fish by putting partician in tank? Read somewhere that if parents feel threatened they may even eat the little fry themselves (unbearable). could someone give a little info on what might happen? some of the little eggs are white, read somewhere that these are the ones that were missed in fertilisation. If any one has any information to help my little babies then please help - many thanks robert.
I know you want to do whatever you can to help them out and i understand. I have had many fish breed and I have always found that sometiem the best thing to do is let the fish take care of it themselves...I have only had one set of babies not make it and it was just a random case of nature I guess...I would just keep an eye on them and watch the fishs progress. I haven't had servrums mate but i have owned them and they can get mildly agressive and i could imagine it's worse when they have young so I'd just keep a close eye on your tank and keep us all posted on the outcome...this is just my opinion of course...good luck.
Ok what you want to do is watch the eggs white ones are dead (they have been attacked by fungus most likely), if the eggs go almost clear with a small dot in the middle then they are alive. The parents will be very protective, but if this is the first time breeding they may not know what to do and they first time they may eat the eggs. But at least you know you have a pair (providing your male isn't sterile). Personally I'd leave this batch of eggs and see what happens, but for next time if you want, seperate the eggs in a small tank and medicate with methyl blue opr a fungus cure and go through they steps to hatch the eggs seperate. I have to go but if you want more info I'll get bakc to you ASAP.
thankyou very much, situation is that some of the eggs are pure white, some look as though they have fungus, however some have little black spot in them. I would like to do as much as possible to secure the survival of even one little egg, if it means a partician or any other type of treatment then would appreciate any type of advice or information. Many thanks robert.
Thanks to all those who replied one is now a proud father. I am however a little disappionted with the lack of feedback on this forum especially as i am a begginner. To those exceptions i am forever thankful although knowledge gained is still quite scanty. Surely the genesis of life is a most beautiful and one must say an almost sacred event to behold, and I thank those who encouraged me with their feedback- many thanks robert.
Sorry you were discouraged with a lack of responses. Do know that a bunch of us have read your posts and resultant dialog... We may not have posted because we don't have answers :dunno: ... but we're rooting for ya!

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