Fair enough. SAPs definitely do not like to be harassed. They can and do jump, and I've lost a specimen that bruised itself by swimming into something at speed.
Never kept Garra spp. though. They sound a bit like sucking loaches in terms of aggression! I had a sucking loach that _more_ than held its own in a 200 gallon tank with Central Americans including a red devil and a jaguar cichlid!
To be honest, if I was starting with puffers, I'd perhaps go with a single specimen of a figure eight puffer, with a few bumblebee gobies if you wanted them. Figure-8s are brackish water, but they aren't difficult to keep and have a nice balance of colours, size, and personality. SAPs are perhaps hardier and easier to keep in some ways, but they have very particular needs in terms of being schooling fish that need _lots_ of swimming space.