I'm Getting Some Bettas Soon But What Sort Of Housing?


Bettas Eh?
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Lowestoft, UK
:/ thinking of buying the medium kritter keepers to house them in. Is that ok? gna get some sand and ust put like a cup in there and maybe like the little bits of plants i get in my tank hat get uprooted as a bit for his bubblenest. But id love to get some crowntails and plakats so would the kritter keepers be ok?
im in the uk thoghu nd dont have much chance of etting anything big becaus emy mum wouldnt allow it and the changes would be too much for me. I hvae sunday dedicated to my pets. (After my crickt game :p) i do about 5 water changes clean litter tray out clean hamster out and whatever else lol. I just thouht those small tanks would be idea for them :) nvm
Kritter Keepers are definately a valid option, if you're getting the correct size, Durbkat. Lots of people on this forum keep their bettas in Kritter Keepers. I think that Kritter Keeper went through a recent name change to Herp Haven -- I'm not positive, I read it on one site, but this site was an online store, and who knows how accurate an estore is with their info, perhaps they actually meant to say, "we replaced Kritter Keeper with Herp Haven products."

I think a 'medium' Kritter Keeper actually runs about 2-3 US gallons, but I don't have the dementions memorized.

Is it a medium rectangle? A bit of searching about shows it to be 11.75" x 6.75" x 8", which is roughly 2.75 US gallons, if this is the same one.

If this is the same tank, your betta will love it, naturally, provided you give him the care his majesty requires. :D

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