Im Cycling My Tank


New Member
May 16, 2009
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with zebra danios and my tank beginning to become cloudy, is this normal? how do i clear the water?
How big a tank is it?
How many zebras you have?
What type and size filter do you have?

As far as cloudy goes did you add in new gravel or sand or anything and didn't rinse it off good first? My tank got a tad cloudy when I first started the fish in cycle I used I think it was tetra aquaclear to help reduce the cloudiness I didn't use full doses though. Also what are your water levels?
How big a tank is it?
How many zebras you have?
What type and size filter do you have?

As far as cloudy goes did you add in new gravel or sand or anything and didn't rinse it off good first? My tank got a tad cloudy when I first started the fish in cycle I used I think it was tetra aquaclear to help reduce the cloudiness I didn't use full doses though. Also what are your water levels?

umm my tank is 30gallons, 5 danios, and my filter is fit for a 30gallon tank (its called aquaclear something). last time i check (yesterday) my ammonia was 0.04 and my niritate was 0.05 with a ph 7.0
im about to go on my 4th week of cycling.

i just read an article that says this is normal during the mid stage or end of cycle? it said it means the 'bacterial is starting to bloom' do you know if this is true?
Yes, you're experiencing a bacterial bloom. Its normal and harmless during cycling. It will go away of its own accord.

Once you can test with a liquid kit and get zero ppm of ammonia and zero ppm of nitrite(NO2) for two days running without any water changes having been performed you can pretty much consider your fish-in cycle to be finished but you should watch your test results closely for a week after that and not yet get fish during that period. Always add fish in small amounts to let your bacteria catch up.


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