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oh and we also have these! they are freaky!!

lol had to add a pic for honeythorn!!


*SMACKS IT WITH A HUGE BOOT* I HATE CENTIPEDES! :shout: That is the one insect garaunteed to make me scream like a little girl and flail madly.
oh and we also have these! they are freaky!!

lol had to add a pic for honeythorn!!


EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW...it's a silverfish (that really is the name...fun coincidence that it has "fish" in its name...)
im all about bugs but they creep me out...especially if you've ever seen them move...totally gross!!!
oh and we also have these! they are freaky!!

lol had to add a pic for honeythorn!!

oh crap its the multi legged bug of death KILL IT KILL IT!!!!
I hate these, whatever the scientfic name is. they bite and they run so fast its hard to get them. uck uck uck.
STOP QUOTING THE PICTURE!!! I swear it's watching me....:shifty:

It is a centipede. It's called a house centipede. I saw loads of them last time I was in France. Absolute nightmare. The place we stayed was ALIVE with the damnable things. If we went out, when we came back and switched the lights on, the walls were covered in them and they'd scuttle about madly trying to hide. My sleeping patterns were NOT good on that holiday.

HUGE praying mantis on the back yard? ( gods know where that thing came from ) no problem. House centipede? HELL NO :X
Hi and welcome back Squire....hope you had a great time on your hols!!!

This is what we call a silverfish in the UK

Hi and welcome back Squire....hope you had a great time on your hols!!!

This is what we call a silverfish in the UK

that dude is cool. I wonder how Honeythorn is gonna react to that

lol did u spray paint it?? it is shiny!!! do they swim? is that why they are silver fish??lol they are cool!!!

they look a little like fancy earwigs!
I think house centipedes eat silverfish. I killed a HUGEE centipede the other day :(! It was like 3 inches long, just the body. I screamed like a girl and did a little dance :lol:
I have an ant problem, they particularly like to try to get into my DIY co2 bottles. They walk all drunk like lol. Too bad my fish ate them all. Hehe.
Nope. Silverfish don't bother me.Weirdly, Millipedes also do not bother me yet centipedes make me squeal.

Have any of you have seen the re-make of King Kong ( the one with jack black ) ? That scene where the woman hides in the log and two GIANT ( like 7 foot long ) centipedes crawl over her shoulder had me hiding in my coat going " ARRRRGH!" at the cinema :X
oh and we also have these! they are freaky!!

lol had to add a pic for honeythorn!!


This thing is horrible I would prob jump about abit if I saw this in my house!! however if it was a spider I would be running for the hills even those little money spiders make me scream like a baby!! ROFL!!

Sorry honeythorn I had to copy it just once more just to make you squirm!! heehee!! xx
always learning something...silverfish in UK are different than ours over here...US (well at least here in new york) silverfish look just like that first nasty...and i am a BIG fan of bugs, but certain ones make me :sick:
oh and we also have these! they are freaky!!

lol had to add a pic for honeythorn!!


This thing is horrible I would prob jump about abit if I saw this in my house!! however if it was a spider I would be running for the hills even those little money spiders make me scream like a baby!! ROFL!!

Sorry honeythorn I had to copy it just once more just to make you squirm!! heehee!! xx

:lol: just had to.....

but your afraid of spiders?????? lol i understand being afraid of the little creepy ones but big ones like tarantulas!! ooooohh soooo beautifull!!!!! (i am begging my mom for 1) they are like 8 legged puppies with alot more eyes!!!!!! soo cute!!!!

OH MY GOD!!!! I THINK I'VE JUST HAD A HEART ATTACK!!!! ( and yes I mean to shout as I think its approriate there! lol)

that scared the life out of me I dropped my laptop!!! oh thats mean very very mean!! but I suppose I asked 4 it!! lol!!!

Like 8 legged puppies!! thats just wrong creepy B****** things!!!

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