I'm A Numpty


Fish Fanatic
Aug 14, 2005
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I got myself a 18inch bubble wall off ebay the other day along with the airline tube...thought I could attatch it to my fluval 4plus filter... :stupid: I've since found out I couldn't :blush: (dunno what I was thinking) so now I'm faced with buying an airpump but I don't know which kind to get for my tank as theres so many to choose from all at different watts. I have a 4ft tank so could anyone point me in the right direction as to where I can get a decent cheapish one and what wattage I should get?

Any help would be much appreciated :good:
Hi, I just bough an airstone and pump etc for my 4ft tank. I got mine from Wilson's pet shop and the assistant was very helpful. To be honest I think I could have got it all cheaper from e-bay! Anyway if I tell you what I got you can decide. I was sold a Penn Plax "Airtech=243UK". It says on the side of the box "Up to 70-100 L 120 L/H" . I assume that is the strength of the pump. I also bought 25ft of tubing (in case I want more airstones later), and a valve to stop the water from syphoning up into the pump and of course the airstone. I got a 3" across round one. The bubbles are very gentle.. I couldn't make the tubing sink into the gravel and stay so I bought some plants to hide it! It has worked well. HTH. :) PS The airflow is not adjustable on this one. I don't have the price for the pump but the whole lot cost about £22.
Ta for that I'll look into that airpump, just how gentle is the bubble flow? I would like a gentle to medium flow of bubbles kinda like when waters simmering but not quite on the boil lol!. How have your fish reacted to it? I'm planning to put the bubble wall at the far end of the tank away from the filter coz my betta loves swimming & hiding behind the filter at night time & I know they're not too keen on fast flowing water.

Considering my tanks 110lt/30 uk Gals I'm not sure the strength of pump to get? anyone know I've been looking on ebay but much of them just say the Litres per hour not what size/vol of tank its best for and the rest are from Hong Kong which I don't want to purchase, it takes too long and theres shipping tax etc etc. plus it costs a fortune if you should have to return a dodgy product :grr:
Hi, the bubbles on my airstone are gentle. None of the fish minded except my 12" Common Pleco who was scared! I turned it off for a couple of days (he looked stressed) and now he is fine. He even has his fins in the bubbles and doesn't bother. If you wanted to buy a pump from e-bay you could always ask the buyer a question and see if it is suitable for your size tank. The lady in Wilson's told me which size pump to get as I don't know either! Plus if you buy it from a shop it is easier to return it if there is a problem. BTW I thought they connected to the powerhead too! :)
:lol: so I'm not the only numpty on here then - thats so good to know :D

I think I'll just stop ebaying for awhile (its too addictive being only a click away!) and go to my local aquatic shop when I have more money :good:

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