Im A Newbie, Please Help!


New Member
Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score
Essex, United Kingdom
Hi. Im new to keeping fish.
I have a jewel 54litre tank and had it set up with 3 red wag platys and 3 opaline gouramis.
Unfortunately and sadly, all my fish have died and I am going to do a fishless cycle (I wish I had been told to do this before!!)
Do I need to clean my tank out first and what do I use to clean it with??
I would really appreciate help!!
what did the fish die of, was it disease or ammonia poisoning?

have a read of the link in my signature for cycling
When i took a sample of the water to the aquatic shop they said the ammonia was high so i assume ammonia poisoning. I now have an api master test kit and a bottle of pure ammonia.

Should i just start the fishless cycle with the tank as it is or should i clean out the tank completely and if so, how to ensure the tank is clean and ready for the cycling?? Please advise!!
I would just empty all the water out, refill with dechlorinated water so you have a starting point. Then start the fishless cycling process.
So sorry you lost your fish. And welcome to the forum.
Thank you very much!!
The loss of the fish was distressing and I wish the shop had suggested the fishless cycling in the first place!!
Am looking forward to setting up the tank again, completing the cycle and restocking again!!
Good for you! There are VERY few LFSs that will suggest fishless cycling, because the more fish you lose, the more you'll buy from them, in their minds. What they don't realize is that if they instructed people correctly on cycling, fish compatibility, etc., they'd nurture loyal customers who would return time after time.
Lesson here: if you have questions, please ask us!
Hi all!! Another question!!
When using my api master test kit to test for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates, what do I clean out the test tubes with after every test?? Just plain tap water??
Yes. I usually use hot water to make sure any residue gets cleaned out, then shake the tube upside down to get out as much water as possible.

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