Hey there... more twin-spot puffer questions from meeeee! Right... well I had it in my mind that twin spots are very agressive fish and couldn't be kept with pretty much ANY OTHER FISH, let alone in a group of their own species. But today I went and checked the price of the twin spots at my aquatics store and the guys there said something along the lines of 'you could buy the lot if you like!' because apparently they don't sell that well. There are like 5 in one tank at the store and they all huddle together when they are asleep and if they get startled they'll all bunch together for security - they kind of look like I COULD keep more than one together. At the moment they are probably about 3 or 4 inches long... so I guess thats about half to three-quarters of their full size. Does this mean they are babies still and would get agressive as they get older? Could I keep more than one in the tank if I break up the lines of sight and provide enough hiding spots? ARGH! So much conflicting information!