I'll try a link for pics instead..


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Here is a link to a few pics of Nemo, our new Betta, our first fish.
Nemo pics
I went to Big Al's to get some extra stuff and looked at the Bettas there. I had intended to go back to PetSmart because they had a wonderful selection of different coloured Bettas. However, at BA's, this one bright blue Betta caught my eye. When I lifted his tiny cup, he zoomed around and around. I set him down, looked at a few others, but kept coming back to him. I lifted him again, he zoomed again, and away zoomed my heart.
He is very happy in his 2.5 gal MiniBow, he loves his cave, and he has build a little bubble nest. He is still not eating much. I'll see how that goes. I really want one more, I saw a brillant red one, and I love the crown-tails, although I don't know if I would find one in my city.
I am already thinking about what tank to buy next, whether to do like FreshWaterGal (?) does and split it, I'd really like some neon tetras too, so perhaps them in one part....hmmm....thinking.....

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