Ill Oscar And Severums


Fish Crazy
Apr 20, 2003
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i came home and saw my fish almost dead, the all have a whit patch on they eyes and some weird stuff growing around it. my water has nothing wrong, everything is normal as usuall excep my fish. i put salt in my tank but didn't see improvment. i did a water change nw i don't know what els to do. i have a bottle of melaix would that help? i have never see this disease before. my fish aren't eating at all.
White cloudy eye is symtom to something is going on, is the white around the eye fluffy and stringy, can you post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, how many gallons is the tank, plus how many fish and which type.

As i'm thinking it might be columnaris, not the writer of this information below.
White Eye- is a type of flexobacterial infection that is best treated with injections. Visit for more info on this. In some cases a fish will have suffered trauma to the eye and this will appear. White eye may also be caused by a surge of ammonia in the tank. In this case it is best to check the water quality, add some stress coat, and salt. top
i have i oscar and 3 severums, my amonia is at 0.1, ph 7.0, nitrit and nitrate is very good(considering my oscar) i don't remeber exactly what they were but the were normal. my tank is a 55gal. i had a sunfish with my 3other fish but i died a few days ago. the white stuff is fluff, tingy and on my gold severum it's just there, like a dot. it's the only fish that not so affected right now.

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