Ill Loach


New Member
Mar 6, 2009
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Hi all,

I posted a few days ago with regards to my Japanese Weather Loach which seemed to react badly to a treatment for white spot which had been added to the tank a few weeks ago. I said at the time that he had a sort of whitish film over his eyes, was pale in colour and had some sort of light patch behind the gills. A few replies to the thread said that loaches sometimes react badly to these treatments and I was to hope he perked up after some water changes. Here's a picture of him back then (so you can see the eyes in particualr).


And here's some pictures of him now. His eyes seem to have died i think. All thats left are black spots and I'm pretty sure he's now blind. He doesn't swim about as much as he used to and I think he finds food mostly by chance. He also now has a very large lump behind the gill on one side. The pictures don't really do its justice, it's quite big. Is this a tumour?





Can anyone give me some advice? I was wondering if he's boyond help and would it be more humane to put it our of its misery? Though I was worried because if he's fine apart from being blind this isn't really a good enough reason to do so.

The tank stats are: Amm: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 10ppm. Temp: 28 oC. Everyone else in the tank is in perfect condition.

( Tankmates: Kuhli Loach, BN Plec, 4 glowlights, 1 rosey tetra. Tank: 70l )

Ps I've just realised I put this in the discussion section instead of emergency section so maybe a moderator could move it please?
Bless him. He such a cutie aswell.
The lump looks hard in the pic. Or does it look soft like filled with puss.
Did you notice if his iris turned black.
Bless him. He such a cutie aswell.
The lump looks hard in the pic. Or does it look soft like filled with puss.
Did you notice if his iris turned black.

The lumps (as far as I can tell) look hard. He's a very friendly one so perhaps later I can gently see if i can feel it.

Tbh i did not notice if the iris turned black. He seemed to have this milky film over the eye and then within a day or two they kind of just shrivelled up.

In my research I thought it might be TB and so I'm really worried for him and his tank mates!
Tb did cross my mind too and black iris is a sign of tb.
Can you issolate him and try a bacterial med.
Thats all you can do really.
Is he still eating well.
Does he look thin as can't tell as there not a full body picture.
Tb did cross my mind too and black iris is a sign of tb.
Can you issolate him and try a bacterial med.
Thats all you can do really.
Is he still eating well.
Does he look thin as can't tell as there not a full body picture.

He's thinner than usual (he is really greedy) but still not underweight I would say.

I stupidly don't have a hospital tank set up as I dismantled it as had not used it in a year (typical). I could set it up again but would have to wait for it to be ready. Damn

He is still eating as I put in sinking food for him and he seems to feel about for it til he comes across it. But I really dn't think he can see at all. If he swims about he tends to swim into things quite a lot.
How old is he?
He shouldn't be losing weight if he's eating well.
Not sounding good is it bless him.
I think I would issolate him to be on the safe side.
Fill the tank up with water from the main tank and top up with fresh declorinated water.
Just match ph and temp.
Just take some mature filter sponge from main tank.
How old is he?
He shouldn't be losing weight if he's eating well.
Not sounding good is it bless him.
I think I would issolate him to be on the safe side.
Fill the tank up with water from the main tank and top up with fresh declorinated water.
Just match ph and temp.
Just take some mature filter sponge from main tank.

Eh I think he must be about.....4 or 5 now. I'll try isolating him. I really hope he isn't suffering too much :sad:
Just done a search and they can live up to 10 years..

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