Ill Gobies?


New Member
Dec 14, 2009
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hey guys, I have a 25l tank with 6 bumblebees in it. They have been fine, swimming around, eating etc...

I am concerned about them at the mo tho. The NH3 levels and Nitrite levels are both at 0 and they are eating but over the past 2/3 days, most are very pale in colour and reclusive.

Should I be worried?


ps. sorry if this is the wrong section
How long has the tank been set up.
What test kit are you using.
Do you have a ammonia reading.
What is your tape nitrate reading.
Do you have live plants.

Being pale can be a sign of stress to desease.
Any signs of laboured breathing, gasping, flicking and rubbing, excess mucas, darting, erratic swimming.
Are the fish hiding away.
Do they act listless and lethagic.
Are they picking on one another.
The tanks sounds on the small side for this type of fish. Sorry don't know much about them so had to do some research.

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