ill clown loach


Fish Fanatic
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
London, UK
HI all,

Was wondering if someone could give me some help. I've a tank that I;ve been running for about 10 months now (it was already estabished when i got it) and apart from a few teething probs (the prev owner didnt clean it out very often) its been fine until now. My poor clown loach (the biggest of 3) has developed a kind 'coat' on him. His orange stripes appear fine, but his black ones have turned grey basically. Its not velvet, I have already checked for this... and he is acting fine, still snoozes on the gravel, hides behind the filter and runs about in teh tank once a day... so.... any suggestions?

thx in advance for your help!

How big is the tank, can you post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, grey patches can be a sign of an internal bacteria infection, or parasites, is he flicking and rubbing on objects.
ok... its UK 100g tank but it is kind cube shaped rather than rectangular.

The nitrates etc were all within usual parameters (can remember off hand the exact numbers) - it was the first thing i checked....

he is not rubbing against things and is acting toally normally, which is why i am a bit stumped!

Thx for the help!


Is it definitely a 'coat' or is it just a change in the colour of the black stripes??

I know they can change/lose their colour, it normally happens I think if there has been a bit of a struggle for power, or maybe if they have been frightened….

I have 3, and sometimes it happens to mine but they soon change back… especially sometimes when I put a slice of cucumber in the tank…they go wild for it!
ok, thanks. I'll give that a try and see how it goes. Maybe his stripes have changed colour or something... I'll keep an eye..


From what you've said, I don't think that your loach is sick at all...
When clown loaches are kept in groups, it is natural for them to develop a "hierarchy," or pecking order. The largest and most dominant clown will usually have lighter, greyish black stripes, as well as a more fully-raised dorsal fin. In addition, this "greying out" is common when the fish become exited, like during fights of mealtimes. You can find more information at, but it sounds like your fish is doing just fine. Unless you see any behavioral issues, I wouldn't worry. :D
I agree. If the fish is acting and feeding normally, there is no need to suspect that it is ill when colour variation is a common trait in the species.

With CL's they also grey out with age, and frequently develop lighter "ghost stripes" within the formerly dark bands.
Thanks guys... plus great link...

i was pretty sure the colour change was normal but its always better to have an explanation!

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