Fish Fanatic
HI all,
Was wondering if someone could give me some help. I've a tank that I;ve been running for about 10 months now (it was already estabished when i got it) and apart from a few teething probs (the prev owner didnt clean it out very often) its been fine until now. My poor clown loach (the biggest of 3) has developed a kind 'coat' on him. His orange stripes appear fine, but his black ones have turned grey basically. Its not velvet, I have already checked for this... and he is acting fine, still snoozes on the gravel, hides behind the filter and runs about in teh tank once a day... so.... any suggestions?
thx in advance for your help!
Was wondering if someone could give me some help. I've a tank that I;ve been running for about 10 months now (it was already estabished when i got it) and apart from a few teething probs (the prev owner didnt clean it out very often) its been fine until now. My poor clown loach (the biggest of 3) has developed a kind 'coat' on him. His orange stripes appear fine, but his black ones have turned grey basically. Its not velvet, I have already checked for this... and he is acting fine, still snoozes on the gravel, hides behind the filter and runs about in teh tank once a day... so.... any suggestions?
thx in advance for your help!