Ill Clown Loach


Fish Fanatic
Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
Burgh Castle, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
Hi :)

I have 2 clown loaches in my 90 litre (30 gallon in think) community setup. The black bands on one of them have turned a greyish silver and it also looks a bit thin. What's the cause of this problem and the solution?
The other Clown looks fine, as do all the other fish. Water parameters are fine. What should I be feeding them? at the moment they have the flake food, bloodworms and i presume they also eat some of the snails.

Thanks for any help you can give :good:
Most likely, everything is ok, from the description this sounds like the usual graying out due to competition with the other loach. The one that grayed out is likely the Alpha.

For more certainty, post a photo.

As for what you are doing wrong: 30g is way too small for clowns; even if they are small now they will grow and will need a larger tank. (How large are they, anyway?) Furthermore, clowns must be kept in larger groups, 5+. So, the solution is more clowns and a larger tank.

As for food, more variety. What you are giving them is fine, but you can add sinking wafers (including algae), and shrimp.

Agree with Mikev s post> One of mine occassionaly turns lighter colour. I feed them with BWorm,Brineshrimp, Prima, Algae Wafers and they also love nibbling at Peas!

Wouldn't worry over this. (But a bigger tank may be needed...)
ok thanks, at the moment they're only about 1.5 - 2 inches each. I know they grow a lot larger but i presume this takes a while. I'll see in the future when they grow bigger whether I should find them another home or buy a bigger tank. A bigger tank would depend on what parents say :S How long on average do they take to grow to about 4 inches?

thanks for your help
Once they reach about 2inches, they tend to grow at a rate of 1inch per year and then slow down at 3.5-4inch. Then they have another growth spurt after this and can reach up to 10-12inches.

I'd predict a couple of years before they reach 4inches, presuming a good diet/ideal water are provided.

:good: Great fish to liven up most tanks.
i have a group of 5 and i rarely have more than three with bright colours with the others a duller grey and light orange,
so even in a larger group this still happens.
ask for a larger tank for your birthday/christmas as you will never get bored with clowns!!!
nath1 :good:
i think he looks better since i fed them yesterday. I was just worried becasue there was the colour difference between the two. I might try some of the sinking pellets :)

haha yh, I've tried asking for a bigger one before. not much room atm as I've got my tortoise viv in my room aswell :shifty: how big would you say the tank should be for a group of 5? i could save up and buy a new tank myself (after the car :shout: )
Eventually, it will need to be a 6'.... Not much to do with the size of the group, you would need a 6' tank for a single adult, or for five.

a 55g (4'), however, will work for 2-3 years. If you know you will be getting a large tank, it would be good to get three more of the same size as yours now.

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