If Your Fish ?


Fish Crazy
Jun 25, 2010
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If your fish had flicking, white stringy poo and was bloated to one side only would you treat for..........


Internal Bacteria infection


Intesternal parasites or worms?

Would you treat the whole tank or just one fish?
Constipation, feed every other day, very lightly. If however, all other fish had discolored stringy waste, I'd treat the tank for worms.
+1 above, although I would be more likely to treat for constipation even if most fish were suffering as I would know that I hadn't added any new fish recently which could have brought the worms in.
what would be the recomended med for worms as i think i can see a white one sticking out its (bum) not sure its correct word.

I use epsom salts at work (i own a handmade bath and beauty shop) could i bring these home and soak some food in it? like cucumber or something. I have 15l hospital tank could someone advise on the dosage and how long i could keep my gourmai in it for safely untill it pooed. Ive seen some flicking from 1 of my cories and 1 of my harlequins is very thin. Should i remove these fish also and feed the other soaked cucumber and other veggies.
Believe it or not, the best thing for this is frozen green peas. You defrost them in a little water in the microwave, remove the outer shell and mush up the insides to feed to your fish. Feed these a few times a week and you shouldn't have any problems with constipation.
what if its worms tho?

Recently ive added 1 bn plec, 5 blue eye rainbows. Ive fed peas but wanted to try the epsom salt bath as its very bloated. It is currnelty in my hospital tank no gravel with towel over the top and sides so darkened. worried as 1 of my harlequins are really emacited even tho it eats lots. I did have two firemouths from pets mart a little while ago but 1 died in the tank it was emaciated and the other i sold on.
I'd treat it with my house brick. I like my house brick, its so...heavy and brick like.
If it is really bloated, then the epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) will help in the short term, but I would still feed peas a few times a week.
I'd treat it with my house brick. I like my house brick, its so...heavy and brick like.

Thats is not very useful, i am not taking a brick to it! its had some peas and now looks normal again. but im still worried about worms on closer inspection my bolivian ram has something white hanging out its bottom too.

Worm help needed.
Have you tried Octozin tablets? They don't dissolve like they're supposed to and make your tank look awful but I think they're good!

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