If you think Geo's for Cupids was a bad mistake...

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
I ordered 3 Blue Diamond Tetras, & received what looked like 2 "Bumble Bee" Oscars... I have no place for those... think I have a trade worked out at the semi local pet store. for store credit... I just do not have a tank for a pair of 3 inch Oscars... I'm not even taking them out of the bag... I think they are @Boundava 's... if they are your crassipinnis's ... buddy, they are a long way from home... I'm in MN, & BTW, they didn't have crassipinnis listed on their site... the guy I spoke to from there called them Bumble Bees

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What a balls up. But surely you will take them out the bag? Not a nice situation to be in.
The guy I spoke to from Predatory Fins, said they would be fine in there for another 24 hours, & the Semi Local Pet Store, said that since they were shipped from out of state, they would prefer they were in the original bags...
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I hope you got your money back. Man, this makes random online sellers look like , well, I can't think of a polite word. In most cases, fish would die from that situation.

On a positive note, I now know what the trade name for Alestopetersius smykilai is...
actually they completely resent the whole order out again today... supposedly correctly...
Well, actually, everything seems to turn out in the end… I met a nice young lady, who was the aquariums manager, and I got a decent price out of them, and she may take my Geo’s as well, later… hmmm saves me buying another aquarium right away… got a gift card, I can use for feeders and frozen food, that I’ve been buying regularly, and may forge a relationship, where I have a place for things to go, that don’t work out… I was told they don’t buy bred fish, which is fine, since I don’t… but assume they don’t want fry or small babies, but if they were raised to normal stock size???
A lot of stores get annoyed by hobbyists bringing tiny fry or juveniles in. They can't sell them, and tanks must empty of fish of they are to make a living. They can't sell baby fish, and they don't want to get caught feeding them to bigger fish.
As well, farmed fish have been exposed to crowding diseases, and home bred fish haven't. The things farmed fish carry can kill healthier fish. You should be careful with the high quality stock you get from Dan's. They are vulnerable to the lower quality jobber stuff sold by a lot of his competition. Add a pet store fish to expensive African tetras, and you can easily lose the lot.
I think I’ve actually bought 3 fish from the pet store… one died, one I had to take back, as it wasn’t what it was supposed to be… so I have the one pet store “mutt” angel, that was very large, when I bought it ( not normal pet store fodder ) but suspect their tanks, are as bad as the actual fish… I do buy feeder rosy minnows, for the bichir, so it, and tank mates ( silver dollars and common pleco ) get exposed to the environment… I do have dedicated nets, and holding/ quarantine tanks, so I try to isolate my fish as much as possible, but admit, I’m impatient, and only try to buy from premium sellers now, so unless something looks off, most of the time, new fish go directly into my regular tanks, which I know is a bad practice, as right now, most are already well stocked and established… so I’m setting myself up for a big headache… fortunately now, my buying numbers will be down significantly, at least until I set up another tank…

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