If You Keep A Betta In A Community....


Fish Fanatic
Jun 8, 2009
Reaction score
Exeter, England
For those of you who do keep male Bettas in a community tank I was just wondering what you keep him with.

I've got mine in with:
13x white cloud mountain minnows
8x Purple emperor tetras
4x Peppered Cory's
2x Pearl Gourami's

and he doesn't flinch at the site of any of them and seems to play with the Gourami's :friends:
Mines with.....

11 sterbai cory
3 bristlnose plecs with fry (doesnt even try to bother them)
6 galaxy rasboras
and 3 apple snails
1x molly
1x balloon molly
1x zebra danio
1x guppy (not really recommended mine betteres just nice lol)
4x neons
2 x dwarf gouramis (so far so good)

1 x polkadot loach

4 x blue rams

1 x apple snail

2 x amano shrimp

25 cherry shrimp (in there somewhere)

one gourami sometimes tries to be the boss but nothing comes of it just a bit of fun, i hope......
I had one with:
1 angelfish
3 cory cats

But a bacterial infection hit my tank and sadly 2 cory cats and the betta died :(
I have one of mine in with:

6 Tetras (4 Bleeding Hearts and 2 Red Minor Tetras),
3 Bristlenose Plecos (plus one 3-month-old),
1 Rubbernose Pleco,
7 Yoyo Loaches,
1 Clown Loach,
2 Kuhli Loaches

I've discovered that if you put a young Betta (very small, was being sold as a female but is a very good looking male plakat) in a big tank after he's lived a significant amount of time in a little cup, he'll be stressed and confused. I've had him for less than a week and he's still adjusting to this new world, though he no longer acts crazy, flying around and showing a subtle hint of stress stripes. It's kinda cute, though, watching him during feeding time. Like the other day, he noticed food was floating down, so he checked it out, then noticed the Rubbernose through some gaps in the driftwood (he actually tilted this way and that to try to see the Pleco better). Then he noticed 2 or 3 Yoyos battling over a wafer and bent down to watch them. Then he meandered off to get some air and noticed some food floating there. Then I left, lol
Currently I don't have any male bettas, but I've had success in keeping them with platies, glolight and cardinal tetras, corydoras catfish, and hatchetfish. I have recently come to prefer female bettas, which are much more adaptable in terms of tankmates. I've yet to find anything (within reason) that a female betta can't get along with.

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