If You Had My Water.....


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2008
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.....what would you keep? I have well water, pH from the tap is 7.6, out-gasses to 8.0-8.2. KH is 70-80ppm, GH 160-170ppm. No chlorine/chloramines.

I'm asking in case I ever consider another tank. I seem to have hit a few bumps in the road since my stocking because I've lost a few fish. So now I'm second guessing my community decision. I recently got the Baensch Atlases(1&2) so I've just started reading up. I do like the look of many of the cichlids. I would also consider a rainbow tank.
.....what would you keep? I have well water, pH from the tap is 7.6, out-gasses to 8.0-8.2. KH is 70-80ppm, GH 160-170ppm. No chlorine/chloramines.

I'm asking in case I ever consider another tank. I seem to have hit a few bumps in the road since my stocking because I've lost a few fish. So now I'm second guessing my community decision. I recently got the Baensch Atlases(1&2) so I've just started reading up. I do like the look of many of the cichlids. I would also consider a rainbow tank.

You've got the perfect water parameters for livebearing fish and Rainbows. Barbs tend to like slightly acidic water, as do tetras and labyrinth fish.
If I were you, I'd go in that direction. If your tank is well cycled and you keep up with regular weekly water changes, you shouldn't have any problems.
Good luck!
In addition to typical livebearers and rainbows, your water would be a fairly good match for the African Rift lake cichlids. I have similar water that is slightly lower pH and can keep almost anything. I find livebearers very easy to keep because they give me a good match with the water without a lot of tinkering.
Thank you OM. That seems to be the general consensus everywhere I asked, although it seems I might have to add a bit of crushed coral to the filter to up the KH a little. I'm right on the edge of OK/little buffering. I really do like some of the cichlids and I never realized how many there are after looking through the Baensch books.

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