i voted no, tbh fish are scary lol they are pretty colours and lovely to watch but anything relativly big like adult fontosas are scary! espesh snakeheads theyr jus wierd
omg that would be so much fun! especially if you had the slow moving fish that you can get right next to, or if you had them along time theyll come up for food lol, but it wouldnt be good if you smelled like brineshrimp!
Definately absolutely no way. I have the most stupidest phobia of swimming with fish. Went in this converted lake once, only to find out there wer pretty much human sized fish when one "caressed" me by accident, you have never seen such a fast blubbering wet fool i love fishies but to swim with
Killer whales actually scare me more than sharks. The only time I would swim with wild killers is in a cage. They can be pretty unpredictable, at least with a shark you have some tell tale signs before they attack, but I still wouldn't swim with them with out a cage either. But if you ever get a chance to do one of those "trainer for a day" deals at aquariums/zoos do it. I did it once and got to swim with dolphins, killer whales, seals/sea lions, and the Belugas it was an awesome day and wouldn't do it again in a heartbeat.