If Water Temp Is To Hot....


New Member
Oct 18, 2005
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will the fish start to act funny like not swimming as much (rts not really moving as much as normal). i increased the temp because my 2 clown loach have white spot and i was treating them. I went up to my lfs and they did a water test and said my water was fine, and gave me some diffrent white spot treatment i done a 10% water change and started the new course today.

Can it take more than one course of the white spot treatment to get rid of it. (its only my clown loach that have it but my rts keeps rubbing itself against my gravel and rock)


I would of done a 30% water change, plus run some black carbon for a few hours, whitespot is different with ever tank it can take a while to clear it up, with the high temp and med have you increased the aeration with an airstone, as meds and high temps take the 02 out of the water.
As Wilder mentioned, the important thing when raising the temperature is to add an airpump/airstone since the higher temp drives the oxygen from the tank.
the easist way to cure clown is using hot water<-not those from tap I mean turn ur water to 86-88f and in about a week or so it should be clear up no medicine require but have to remove plants and fish that can not takes the heat else they be cooked.
Be sure to make sure the heater isnt making the tank too hot, when i first started someone told me raise the temp, i did so and forgot to keep an eye on it, I pretty much cooked Half my fish and the others were retarded for life they had severe brain damage. The temp must have reached 104.

Haha ooppps

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